whos midwife told them the sex by the heartbeat?

Ive heard if it sounds like a train its a boy, a horse galloping a girl?? :rotfl:

Heard our baby yesterday, a train so my theory is a boy...we shall see
budge said:
are you excited nikki? i am really! :hug: its the last thing i think about when i go to sleep. :sleep:

I am yes :hug: ,at first i so wanted to know the sex because i wanted a boy so badly and silly i know but i felt like i needed to prepare myself if it was another girl :(. But now i don't care boy or girl i cant wait to meet my baby :D ,i don't reckon i wouldn't have believed them anyway,whatever they had told me :roll: ,you can't beat the excitement we feel right now :cheer: xx
i think it may have been me budge!
our gp is a family friend and wen i was at my 40 week appointment he sed i was having a boy till then i didnt know the sex. i asked him how he knew nd he se du can tell by heart beat and postion of the baby!! then we n i was in labour my mw asked if i wanted a guess of wot i was having n wen i sed a boy she sed yep 99% sure for the same reasons as doc! even tho the MW i saw through out my pregnancy sed u cant tell by that i had a rite result from both GP and MW so guessing its true
Also it is 50-50 to get it right.

Pretty good odds.
My midwife got it right with my first, havent asked her yet about this baby, i see her tommorrow so will ask her :eek:
when i went to mw to listen to heartbeat i asked the midwife what it was and she said under 150 and i said is that meant to be a boy or girl and she said boy, i then said how true is that folk tale and she laughed and said as true as me flipping a coin to find out what the sex was.

But it is a boy!! lol

cas x
Braydons heart beat was for a girl untill 35 weeks pg i always sed he was mixed up lol
I seen my MW today and my baby's heart beat was between 140 and 155
scan said i was having a boy so maybe iam having a girl not sure hehehe

do not mind either :hug:
my doc sed u can only tell in the last few weeks wen baby is in the rite position 4 del;ivery

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