WhooHoo Midwife Called!


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Just had a phone call and it was the midwife finally, she apologised for not calling sooner and that she had accidently missed me. But she's given me an appointment for Tuesday 16th December at 10:50am :cheer:

Seeming more real now :D :dance:
yay same day as mine, and almost the same time, mine is 10;40 :cheer: hope all goes well :hug:
YAY! Is that your 1st appointment then?

Thanx, hope all goes well for you too! :cheer:
Excellent girls :) Im 8 weeks 4 - I havent heard from anyone?..when should I expect to hear? x
Pacha call whoever back who you contacted over finding out you were pregnant and tell them you havn't heard nothing. Did u call dr's when you fouund out?
Nope Snuggle not long now :cheer: Just a week, I was expecting January! :shock:

I know my scan should be sometime in Jan though....?

I was talking to my Mum about it all last night and I have decided to give breastfeeding a go this time too (A bit OT I know) but we talked about it for ages, So exited!
Jade I had a docs appointment when I found out and he said that he would write to the hospital and that they would write to me but I havent heard anything yet. My docs appointment was first week in November I think? Around how many weeks should you have your first app and what does it entail?
I'm nopt sure how far your supposed to be but you should have heard something by now :think: I'd call them!
My first appt is also Tues 16th - booked in for 1pm (as long as everything goes well at my scan on Thurs)

Midwife tried to book me in for between xmas and new year when I was away so she had to shuffle appts to get me in sooner - you're supposed to be seen by 10wks (I'll be 8wks at my scan on Thurs - if everyone has worked the dates out right).

She did ask if I'd received my small white envelope from the doctors yet...which I haven't. Now I'm intrigued as to what is inside the envelope. She didn't tell me (then again maybe I should have asked - doh!)

Wow you all get seen quite early. I haven't even had a doctors appointment about my pregnancy yet let alone a midwife appointment/call. When I called the doctors to make an appointment they said they don't see anyone until they have missed 2 periods atleast!
Jade89 said:
YAY! Is that your 1st appointment then?

Thanx, hope all goes well for you too! :cheer:

yeah my 1st one, seems like i have been waiting forever for this, and thank you :hug: :hug:

pacha, you should hear from her any time soon, it took me a good 4 weeks of waiting, hang in there, it will happen soon :hug: :hug:
I've not heard from the midwife yet either :think:

They'd better get a bloody move on!

I've had two scans already though, and at the last one the hospital arranged for the dating scan to be at 13 weeks, so I'm not too bothered. It'll happen soon enough I'm sure. But probably not by 10 weeks! :lol:
:hug: Jade Glad your middy called, annoying when it takes ages!

Kitty did your last hossie book your dating scan? im shocked as I thought you needed to see a midwife before getting a date.

Everything gets done backwards these days, dont get it :lol:
I went to the doctor when I was 5 + 3 which was just over 2 weeks ago. I've had nothing so far and I'll be 8 weeks at the weekend. I have Xmas week booked off work so I'm hoping to get an appointment that week when I'll be just under 10 weeks. No idea how I'm going to get time off for the first scan but we'll figure something out! It's a tad harder for us as we work for the same company but thankfully in different IT departments or that could really be a nightmare.
I knowwwwwww :cheer: Yhahuuuu! I know its only going be the boring filling out my papers and stuff but its still exiting!

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