

Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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...do you go to if you have pains or bleeding in early pregnancy, for example before you've been assigned a midwife. Could you go to the maternity unit at the hospital or A&E or what??

Just so I know incase anything happens cos no one explains nowt round here :roll:
thats a good quesiton! personally I would call the a&e unit and get advice from them if anything happened

When I had bleeding at six weeks and hadn't been assigned a MW I rang my doctor's surgery. They got me in straight the way. My doctor then booked me in for an emergency scan at my local hospital.

Luckily everything was okay.

I just thought I'd let you know what I did.

Caz x
Thanks for your help, its just so I know what to do if it ever happens :)
You could always call NHS direct aswell if you have concerns...I have phoned them before about other issues and they do have loads of info.
I agree with cloud9, NHS direct is the best option as they will listen and assess your symptoms then point you in the right direction.
I agree, I had spotting with my first Pg and panicked it was a friday evening and the Dr's had closed.
I rang the NHS Helpline, who spoke to one of my Dr's and my Dr rang me back and had a chat and explained that they'd book me into the EPU first thing on monday for scan.

So I'd ring my Dr first but if they were shut I'd definately ring the NHS helpline if I needed to.

But hopefully none of us will need to :pray:

Charm X
I bled a few days after i found out i was pregnant (5.5 Weeks) and I rang NHS direct who then told me to go to hospital and get checked out
i was told by my midwife any bleeding before 12 weeks you should contact gp who will refer you to epau (early pregnancy assessment unit) xxxxxx

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