Who should share a room?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I'm decorating Jessicas room at the minute and i was planning on moving Aimee in there with her when shes around 18 months old and putting the baby boy in the nursery on his own. After speaking to a couple of people with older kids they have said it will be better to put Jess in on her own as shes 5 years older and the 2 little ones in the big room together (when babies about 6 months). Not sure what to do now, i know theres no rush but i want to know if to do the room unisex or girly. Anyone have any advice?
if it was me id put the girls together as in a few yrs time ull have prob as aimee will want the room pink and lil man will want thomas or summit
but obv i dont have older kids lol

my m8 was 8 yrs older than her sis but shared so her bro had his own
I'd put the girls together, they will want to be together later when they have the choice.
i say little ones together.

Firstly with the age diffence, i think it will nice for your older girl to have some indepenance for example.... my sister is 8 now and she loves her own space i could imagen asking her to share a room will a 4 year old ruining all her stuff.

second.. i shared with my brother till i was 15 and he was 13 and we was fine... everyone says about not putting boys and girls together but i never bothered me... i am not being funny but not many little girls get undressed etc in there bedroom, you just learn that getting dressed etc is for the bathroom.

what does your 5 year old think about it. The wee ones are too young to really know they have a choice but the 5 year old might really like the idea or be really against it.
I would go with what the 5 year old thinks, but I dont really see a problem with any combination. :D
If only our homes could grow with our families :lol:
No jess is fine with it, i'am worried about Aimee waking her up in the night when she has school. Thanks for advice girls, i just needed some reassurense that it was ok. Its just when you get advice off people who have a lot more experience than you i started to doubt yourself, they must know what they are doing. I think i'll get cracking on my girly room!
we only have a 2 bed house so all our boys will share so thats 11, 4 and liam when hes 1.

Ide say the two girls, cuz when your little man is born it might keep Aimee might be kept up from him . Me and my sister always shared a room and my bro who is ten month younger then me got his own


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