Who is your labour text buddy?

I need one if anyone is free? And I'm happy to be anyones too, I'm usually near a computer and can use phone if not! xx
Im free to be anyones... I dont need a labour buddy but would like a text buddy so i give them a text when bubs is born and they can let you all know :)
I need one if anyone is free? And I'm happy to be anyones too, I'm usually near a computer and can use phone if not! xx

I will do yours BethanyAnn if you want to be mine? Still got a while to go yet though! :) xx
Im free to be anyones... I dont need a labour buddy but would like a text buddy so i give them a text when bubs is born and they can let you all know :)

Dont mind doing yours either hun and I need one too! x
jennilisanne and me are labour text buddies now :wave:
Hey Mamafy- I am Bethanyann's and Mrs E's. Both ladies are mine x
I've just got tapatalk which makes it a million times easier for me to access site if anyone wants me to be theirs I'd love to! Just pm me and we'll sort it out x x
I'm bobkats and bobkat is mine :) x

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Hey my text buddies are Helen123 and Flexilexi394 and i am Flexilexi394's text buddy
I don't have a text buddy, and I am not a text buddy to anyone else. XD So if anyone wants to be mine and for me to be theirs just PM me and we'll sort it. :D

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