Who elses lo is nearly one??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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well my Glenn is one next saturday (11th) and i cant believe how its flown!
Clarke's (evemarie8) one on the same day too....
time really flies by when your not looking, it makes my lip wobble when i think about it, god how mushy is that!
is anyone elses baby close to their first birthday? if so what have you got planned for the day?

Fynn is 1 on Thursday... and its scary on how fast the year has flown by! Makes my lip wobble too at the thought.. I feel quite sad about it in a strange way.

We where gonna have a little party for him next weekend.. but we booked a holiday instead to fly out next Saturday.. so we'l prob have the little party for him when we get back!

What do you have planned for Glenns birthday?
Mhairi is one on the 16th.....but she is still my newborn and don't try tell me otherwise! :talkhand:

I've ordered her cake, a big pink number 1 with white bears crawling up the side and sitting on top.

We all have the day off and we're going to spend the day playing with her new toys, having a lovely lunch and eating cake!

We did get an appointment through for her 12 month jabs on her birthday.........but hell no! No one is sticking my baby on her first birthday!
We've got 4 weeks to go! I can't believe how quickly the year has gone!
Same here, Ruby is 1 on the 30th :cheer: , time as sooooo flown by!! :cry:
WELL..........the cake has been ordered and the bouncy castle booked!
we are gonna party BIG STYLE!
lol.........not long now.x
xrachx said:
WELL..........the cake has been ordered and the bouncy castle booked!
we are gonna party BIG STYLE!
lol.........not long now.x

:dance: Sounds a bit like our do!! We even have face painting and an entertainer, I think we might be over doing it a bit but what the hell, I am looking forward to it so much, but at the same time I really don't want my baby to grow up, even though he gets funnier and cuter every day! I'm torn, can you tell, but at least the party will take my mind off it all! :cheer:
Ryan isn't allowed to turn one :talkhand: :talkhand: He's under STRICT instruction to stay a baby forever

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