What are you doing after baby??

I have left my job as a Special Needs Teacher. I really really loved it, but we have always planned for me to be able to leave work to be a SAHM. It was a difficult decision to make, I get a lot of satisfaction from my work, however, I know I will get a lot of satisfaction from being working in the home too.
I plan to stay at home until the child is of school age and then I may go back to work in some part time capacity (maybe teaching, maybe some other educational sector role). However, I am quite flexible. If I am not enjoying being at home as much as I thought, I may do some supply or go back to work earlier. It is nice to have the choice. We've had to plan and save for a long time to be able to have the choice (we've been married 7 years, together for 10).

My other thought is that I may study during my time off and do a Education Psychology Doctorate - but I am going to see how life is being a mum first, before I make any firm decision on a long term course of study.
When i had Cameron 10 years ago life was a whole lot different. I was a single mother in a very awful council flat. I had been working fulll time before he came along but made the decision to go onto benefit s to be with him. Money was a struggle and i couldnt have managed without my mum buying nappies etc for me. I stayed at home with him until he was three and started nursery then i went back to college to do Biology(which ive never used to this day). Although it was a full time course we only had a few classes a day and i still got to spend alot of time with him.
When he started school i went back to work book keeping and bought a flat. We were never really financially better off when you take into account the amount i was shelling out on Childcare but it felt good being back at work and i felt i was showing him a good example.
This time round im with a fantastic guy, we both have children from previous relationships and are fairly settled. We sold Oh flat last year and bought a house and are selling my flat in a mont or two(just wait for the stress to begin). The proceeds from my flat are going into the Australia fund as we hope to emigrate in the next couple of years.
I dont plan to go back to work after LO is born but i am starting a childminding course next week and hope to have one or two kids to look after to make up the short fall left between my wages nad the cost of having LO and Cammy in Childcare.
I have left my job open so that I can return next year if I want/need to. At the moment I plan to have the year off and then find a part time job in my home town, just a few hours a week and not for the money but just to keep me going IYKWIM, I'll get to comfy at home and then not have the confidence to go back to work if I just stay home for 5 odd years.

I plan to have more babies too ( I will convince OH :twisted: ) so part time job would be best. Havng looked into childcare costs it isnt worth going back full-time! I'd work all those hours, be so tired when I got home & miss my baby growing up for about £100 a month :| Things will be quite tight but I am the budget queen and have no probs saving for those things that I want/need.
I've been working up in the City as a PA for 2 and a hlf years but it's impossible for me to go back AND be a mum. My day would start at 6.45 when I got on the train and end about 8.30pm when I got home :roll:

I think I will try and find part time night work so that me and OH can do shifts with the baby for a few months until she's about 1. I'd quite like her to go to nursery a couple of afternoons a week though- because otherwise she won't have much interaction with other children and I don't want school to be a short sharp shock for her!

Trying not to worry about it too much- money will be tight; but we'll have a gorgeous baby to show for it :lol:
i dont want baby going to a nursery, just my personal preference but definately not for us, is like to go to mum and baby clubs etc so he/she gets to mix but wouldnt want to leave them alot

i can go back part time but i know im going to find it hard to leave baby at all, my mum has said she will look after baby but its a lot to ask as she works from home and is always so busy, she is not in the best of health either so im a bit unsure

at the moment i am keeping my options open and playing it by ear

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