who did u tell first?

I only took the test to rule out PG as a reason why I was throwing up, I was actually chatting to OH through the toilet door at the time about something unrelated!!! Pink line appeared immediately & I said umm... I've got something to tell you...

Told mum & sister later that day, then rest of family, then work (small office & I was throwing up a lot!)
After about the 6th test I did a text at 6am in the morning and the test was positive immediately - I climbed back into bed and said 'yay I am pregnant' and his reponse was 'see my willy does work!'

That day we told the entire universe and I was only 6 weeks pregnant!

Both my mum and Paul's mum cried :cry:
OH was the first to know.

I had my suspisions (sp?) so we went to tesco to get a test, i couldn't wait until i got home so did it in the loo at tesco (Yes classy i know but i was desperate to know!), he waited in the car and i think he knew by the look of sheer disbelief on my face what the result was and here we are today!
OH was the first to know for me - we were trying for a baby and he was there when I took the test so we did a little jump for joy together!!

My mother was first to know, coz it was her who bought the test as she was convinced i was pregnnat...

then dad came home to find me crying hysterically coz id "ruint my life"

then i thought id better tell bubbas father... what a waste of time he turned out to be :D hahahaha
I told my OH about a week after i found out.

As it was soon after we lost beanie i was abit worried about telling him about peanut. :(

I haven't told anyone else yet!!It hard to keep it in! Especially when you feel so :puke:

I didmy test at 6 in the morning and oke oh up to tell him and check to see if i read it right. Then had a cuppa with oh and drove to my mums at 6:30 to wake her up before i went to work!
OH was the first to know, I got him out of bed at 7.30 on a sunday morning to examine the pee stick to see if it was definately a line!!

The second person to know was my pilates teacher, whom I've known for about 2 weeks! but had to be sure I wasn't going to do any damage.

I told my boss about a week later, and parents and MIL. Siblings also now know as mother cannot keep a secret :wink:

Waiting to week 12 to tell anyone else, but have caught a few people looking at me oddly today (boobs are enormous :oops: :oops: ) so I think most will have guessed anyway :doh:

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