Who changed their minds when they saw baby?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Ok, I have found that this has happened quite a bit in our family and friends for one reason or another......I was going to be called Anastasia but Dad was too hungover to spell it at the registry office and I got Josephine instead lol, my friend was determined she was having a Hazel and called her Rosie instead, my best mate was having a Teddy and thankfully called him Louie.......has anyone else changed their mind after the birth?
When we had our LO we had never actual decide 100% on a name but we wer leaning toward Halle (it was between halle or Kiera) but when our little girl came into the world we Thought she looked more liked a Kiera-Leigh. :) I dont think u can set a name in stone :)
We're planning on calling our LO Caleb, but I'm worried I'm going to see him and think he doesn't look like a Caleb! I've totally fallen in love with the name and can't imagine calling him anything different! We'll just have to wait and see what happens on the day! xx
My friends boy was called Ethan for the first hour of his life - then she chained it to Aaron as he didn't look like an Ethan!
I was supposed to be Anita but I ended up Jennifer when they saw me lol I worried about this as we had only 1 name chose for a boy and a girl.. Thankfully I thought he looked like an Odhrán x
Oh just remembered too - my sister was going to be "Astra" or "June", but when the nurse asked my mum what she was to be called, the first name that came into her head was one my auntie had mentioned to her a few times. So she was a Paula!
We had Jack picked out when I was around 6 weeks pregnant, he stayed a Jack! :) x
I was going to be Bonnie Blue, but thankfully my mum called me Amy the second she saw me!
My LO was Alexander since TTC, and he was for about half hour post birth, but in a morphined up state of mind I chamged it to Sam/Samuel for when he was naughty! It stuck and I'm glad he did, he suits Sam!
My oh picked zack really early on and I didn't like it but would give it time to grow on me but the min I saw Lo I knew he was a zack it really suits him.
We're taking at least three names in to the delivery suite just in case, but you always have a favourite
Not really along the same lines but this is definitely the sort of daft thing I would do.....when my aunt had my cousin in Florida the woman next to her also had a girl and because she hadn't chosen a name the baby's tag was written as "Female Smith" (don't know her real surname lol) well, this woman assumed the midwives had named the baby for her and happily went home with her little Female, which she pronounced Femally lmao xxxxxx
My Mum had Melissa all planned for me, but as soon as I was born apparently I looked like a Lauren :p I am glad she didnt pick Melissa though x

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