White noise


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Just wondered if anyone's ever bought and used one of those white noise CD's to help soothe, get baby to sleep?
I've not, but do know Isaac loves the sound of the tumble dryer, its often on when we go for an afternoon nap and I think he thinks its another cot toy but for our king size bed :lol: He also likes the washer, but has lately started crying at the hoover :think:
What does your LO like?
Seb likes the sound of the hoover, you can see the concentration on his face of listening to it :lol:
Lol if i bought a CD like that it would be me that was snozzing and not Evie :rotfl: , i always fall asleep to white noise like a washing machine, tumble dryer or hoover :lol: .
Sherry said:
Seb likes the sound of the hoover, you can see the concentration on his face of listening to it :lol:

Awww thats sweet! :lol:

Ryan likes the tumble dryer, hairdryer and hoover, they all send him to sleep!
Its me that uses it not the kids. I have to sleep with the fan on at night or I can't get to sleep. Even in the winter! Hate trying to sleep in quite.
absolutely nothing they don't bother him one way or the other...THe noise of his swing rocking sends my eyes droopy though
Yes, I bought a white noise tape and I used to play it at bedtime as part of Tom's routine when he was little to help him wind down. It really worked. We don't use it any more but I always leave the fan on in his room to keep the air moving and that's great white noise too.
L xx :hug:
luke likes the hoover, and he tends to settle if he can hear the tv or radio on (we live in a bungalow so its not hard for him to hear the tv!)

if a phone rings though or someone sneezes he is wide awake! :shock:
George likes the washing machine, my hairdryer and the hoover.

He falls asleep in his bouncer chair every morning when he's with me in the kitchen with the washing machine on. I've noticed he also loves to stare at all my fridge magnets. Sometimes he looks quiet mesmerised. :lol:
For imogen its my hoover and hair dryer, she was crying a couple of days ago and i run the hoover round the house and she was asleep when i had finished.
Keeley used to fall asleep to the washin machine and the hoover... but now she has to watch the washin machine and gets soo excited when it starts to spin :lol:

and hates the hoover she crys and follows me round :?
millie loves the sound of the vaccuum (not that its on much! :oops: )
and "shh" in her ear

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