

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Hi all. Drake is normally a happy smiley baby but only when you give him full attention. All other times hes constantly whinging! He can't seem to entertain himself for more than 5-10 minutes. You give him a toy he gets bored after a couple of minutes. He's last no longer than 10 minutes in his bouncer/jumperoo/bumbo. He's not napping for very long either...I'll put him in my arms to sleep and he'll scream and then i have to sing twinkle twinkle little star on repeat till he nods off (which works a treat lol) But then if i'm not holding him he'll only sleep half hour max! He's wearing me out! My house is a shit tip and i'm knackered. I know he's teething but i've tried calpol, teething powders, baby bonjela..nothing works there. I'm starting to think after reading Chaz's FB status that maybe he has a milk/lactose allergy as he's getting a nightmare with feeds too and is sicking a lot!

I don't know....Will he grow out of it? You think maybe he has an allergy? Is it just teething? I didn't have this with my other boys and i'm starting to tear my hair out.
Same, same, same! Ella is exactly the same.

I doubt it is an allergy hon as you'd have known about it before now. E is lactose intolerant and it is normally diagnosed within the first few weeks and you'd know all about it as the bub simply won't digest the milk and/or is covered in rashes.

I suspect they are just going through a phase. Ella's little friend Luke who is the same age as her is exactly the same at the moment. It is v v v v tiring! Be reassured that you're not alone hon. Xx
My not so little charlie is the same at the moment he is almost 9 months old And I am pregnant again so Its hard I am not big yet but omg I am feeling it... Me and my darling other half are trying to get the councle to get us a biger place so loads of emails calls to make and little one Wont stay still or play with his toys for long. So on phne then say No CHARLIE DONT BIGHT THE DOG OR NO THATS NOT A TOY OR PLEASE STOP FAKE FARTING MUMMY IS ON THE PHONE. lol you do get some odd looks. I realy hope they grow out of it But hey men and boys are allways hard to keep buisy.
Thank god for that! (sorry!) I was on the brink of tears earlier as i had enough. Don't think it helps with the other stresses of family life too. He's also loving the sound of his own voice right now so even when he is happy he does this screaming lol
yes charlie has found his voice... please please stop shh for like 5 mins lol
Yep ella blooming LOVES to scream-high pitch squeals with a big grin on her face pretty much all the time when she is awake lol!
Haha! He almost goes red in the face when he screams...my poor ears!
Charley gets bored really easily! He won't watch telly, he'll only sit in his jumperoo for 5mins and will only lie on his play gym for 10ish mins. He only has 1 toy he really plays with but has a new game of taking his dummy out his mouth then putting it back in! He'll do that for ages!!
I have to rotate Isla between her chair, jumperoo, floor mat and me. She can last around 20 mins without me but most of the time I end up holding her. My cleaning involves a mad dash around the house when she's napping x
I reckon it could be the teething although i was that knackered with my LO cos he was up 3 times in the night every night of the week it wore me down i broke down crying i was struggling in the day i tend to keep him occupied by playing with him but when he goes to bed he just wants to play or sing or really cry an hes not even in his own room yet an its very tiring at the moment hes got 2 teeth coming thru.
Check ur lo's gums to see if you see anything appearing at the bottom but if not could be that he gets bored easily an looking for ur attention in the day. I know its hard an my house is a shit tip but ive come to the conclusion just to sort LO out first an do the tidyin up later when there in bed.
I cant now get LO off to sleep on me anymore an he doesnt do cuggles either :( lol.
good luck hun sometimes u need to perservere an when people ask u if u need any help grab it whilst you cant otherwise ull constantly feel worn down an make sure u look after urself eat well aswell dont need u passing out with exhaustment x
reading this make me think perhaps i wont have another baby LOL Noa is so chilled out! hes happy where ever he is really and only whing if hes tired or hungry. I have started to realise how lucky i am! Hes up few times every night but day time hes good as gold.

I feel for you. Do you ever leave him to cry? :hugs:
I try too! He woke up after I just got out the bath earlier and he screamed blue murder cos he had to wait till I got dressed! To be fair I don't think he's very well, he seems to be tugging his ear a lot which could be related to teething maybe?

He used to be the same as Noa only really whinging if he's tired or hungry but the last week or so he's been a right bugger! Whinges then when I turn round to see to him he's grinning lmao...got us wrapped round thier finger already!

I'm hoping he'll grow out of it soon!
My boy suddenly started to get whingy and it got embarresing when we went to visit people. Turns out he was tired. He only naps for 30mins at a time. I started to taking him out in the pram if he looked tired or started to wine and he would fall asleep eventually or sometimes within 5 mins. After doing that for 3 days he turned out to be a happy baby. Was a good test to do. Now it is a case of trying to get him to nap inside. When I get bored of the pram I go in the car. Very tiring but at least the baby is happy for a change.

Good luck x

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