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Which toiletries, creams, etc do I need for a new baby??


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
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Hi another question!! I've sorted what clothes im gonna need now so thanks for all your advice on that! Now I'm thinking about toiletries, etc.

So far we have:

2 packs of newborn napies, gonna leave it at this for now unless we get any in bigger size as I read they grow out of those pretty fast.

Wet wipes (for use changing nappies i assume)

Talcum powder (for after bathing?)

So are there any other obvious toiletries we will definately need? Im trying to not overbuy here.

The main one i can think of is nappy cream- can you tell me do we buy a tube of a specialty cream for this or can we just get a tub of e45 and use that for this and other dry skin issues???

:hug: XX
I get lots of cotton wool. I couldnt use wetwipes on my son for the first 2 and a half months his skin was so sensitive it was just giving him nappy rash even after one wipe and that was using ANY brand of wetwipes. Even the ones that say they're like using cotton wool and water - load of rubbish!

Ive got sudocreme for his bottom. personally i think its the best.

I always had a pack of wetwipes spare though, good for wipeing pukey chops!

Newborns have very dry skin so id get some baby oil. Usually after a couple days they go all flakey! especially on their hands and feet! and they LOVE being massaged!

Ive got baby shampoo but my son was born with a lot of hair so maybe wait and see on that one!

Thats all i can think of now....im sure i'll end up editing this at some point when i remember something else!!
Cotton wool - yes! I have used a pack already as Finlay has got sticky eyes :(

I don't use talc - don't like it personally

I find baby oil a life saver as Finlay has dry hands and feet. I use nature baby wipes from boots and only other thing is some bath stuff but olive oil is good too.

I'm not a fan of using too many things - I've been looking for organic products too ;)
Personally I wouldn't use wipes for the first 2 or 3 months - cotton wool and water is all you need and much more natural. I use Natures Babycare wipes now (they're fab) but still won't use wet wipes on her face - I use reusable ones here.

Like Bee, I don't like a lot of products on babies and have used olive or grapeseed oil (mainly grapeseed oil) for baby massage each night - I was advised against petroleum based oils and used natural food or plant oils instead. I use Weleda Calendula nappy cream, its expensive but worth it.

I don't use talc.

For bathing, again we just used water for the first two or three months, and later used Little Me Baby Organics (can buy in Boots) range in the bath and for hair washing (a rare event).

I hope this helps.

Valentine Xxx
when millie was newborn all we used was cotton wool balls and warm water. oh and olive oil for her newborn flaky skin lol! think she was about 2 months old when started using baby bath, talc, baby lotion and baby wipes.
We were warned not to use nappy creams if we could help it because it works as a barrier - but with these modern clever nappies it stops them soaking up the wee so well therefore making baby more likely to be sore!
Thanks everyone thats really useful! :hug: It seems baby oil is a definate must that I'd not thought of so will get some of that. The talcum powder and wet wipes came free with my tesco pampers baby basket so not worried so much if i dont use them, and I was wondering why I'd need the talcum powder tbh anyway. Will stock up on the cotton wool as it seems like you all agree thats the way to go, and it sounds cheaper too! Can someone just tell me, do you mean cotton balls or do you get bigger sizes of it?? I just cant imagine its that easy cleaning alot of :oops: mess with a tiny cotton ball??!!xx
We only used cotton wool & water until Jenna was about 4 months old. Then westarted using sensitive, unfragrenced wipes, but only if she has done a poo, and I always go over her with warm water afterwards & dry thoroughly as I don't like the tacky feel left by the wipes. We started using a little bubble bath at about 4 months as well - Johnsons night time (purple bottle), and I wash her hair once a week with Johnsons shampoo (but again only used water until she was 4 months old). I use sudocream if she has a little bit of pink / red but very rarely need it. I don't use any other toiletries at all. Plenty of 'free bum' time is very good for their skin - Jenna has lots of it :D
You can get cotton wool packs that look a bit like this

and you pull off as much as you like. Even the picture makes me shiver cos I hate the stuff so for things like eye gunk I use cotton pads like these

and for nappies I've always used wipes instead of cotton wool and water. The thought of using cotton wool just makes my head go all scrunchy .. :puke:

I have hardly used the bundles and bundles of toiletries we were given. I've used baby lotion a bit for moisturising dry nappy bum and for when I did baby massage after he had baths. The baby bath stuff is ok for when they're a few months old and I'd recommend one thats a sleeptime/lavender one cos it smells nice and relaxes them. Baby oil/talc/soap/baby shampoo... I've not hardly used. But everyones different. A lot goes a long way. As does sudocrem... we are still on our first pot and no sign of getting near the bottom of it anytime soon.
I used cotton wool and water few month!
No nappy cream as like someone has already said, it can cause a barrier and keep the soreness trapped under without letting the skin breathe!
Just a bare bum! :D
Olive oil for cradle cap, erm... I think that was all I used!? lol
valentine said:
Personally I wouldn't use wipes for the first 2 or 3 months - cotton wool and water is all you need and much more natural. I use Natures Babycare wipes now (they're fab) but still won't use wet wipes on her face - I use reusable ones here.

Like Bee, I don't like a lot of products on babies and have used olive or grapeseed oil (mainly grapeseed oil) for baby massage each night - I was advised against petroleum based oils and used natural food or plant oils instead. I use Weleda Calendula nappy cream, its expensive but worth it.

I don't use talc.

For bathing, again we just used water for the first two or three months, and later used Little Me Baby Organics (can buy in Boots) range in the bath and for hair washing (a rare event).

I hope this helps.

Valentine Xxx

hehe snap,we are like twins. I love the weleda nappy cream, smells so lush. Tis expensive but I use it only on occasions so it lasts ages.

I was also warned against baby oil, its mineral and petroleum based and it is much kinder to use a natural oil. I use organic sunflower oil, workedmiricles on Cally's dry skin, and it is relatively cheap. I like the halos and horns range but tend to use that more on my toddler at the mo.

I also recommend getting some lavender oil, I have used it loads since birth. I put it in my bath, helps with healing those sore bits, have put a bit on a pad of cotton wool and out it on the opposite sideof the bedroom from her crib, it is great for calming down baby (though ever used undiluted oils on a newborn or young baby and make sure it is safe to use on young children- the safe oils are lavender, cammomile and manderin but remember that babies have a better sense of smell).

I hate using cotton wool as it is so fiddly so I just used some reusable wipes with plain water. They are really easy to make, just get an old flannel and cut up. I dooccasionally use wipes on her now but prefer still to use water. When she is a bit older I will make my own solution up - works out loads cheaper.

There is nothing nicer then the smell of your newborn baby - all too quickly they lose that smell and its such a shame to mask it with artificial perfumes.
Thans everyone you've been really helpful :hug: its good to hear what works for different people and get some reccomendations, im sure I'll have lots more questions!xxx
Been using Nature baby nappies here and I think they're great, hope to switch to reusables at some point when I'm over the sheer exhaustion that is caring for Becky!

Been advised by the health visitor to use olive oil on her dry skin. We don't put anything in her bath water but use the tiniest bit of baby shampoo as she's just about got as much hair as me :lol: . For her gungy eye we're just using boiled water and cotton wool.

Wipes wise we had been using Nature baby wipes which were fine. I then decided to use up a packet of Johnson's wipes we got free with the Bounty pack. BIG mistake. Her poor wee bottom went all red so they've gone in the bin. So she's got some sudocrem on, had plenty no-nappy time (though we love to pee everywhere) and we're back to using cotton wool and water and after less than a day the rash is almost gone.
The thought of using cotton wool just makes my head go all scrunchy ..

haha! oh my god im so glad you said that my OH thinks im bonkers. I HATE the feel of cotton wool. gives me goose bumps!

I used the flat cotton wool things like in the photo leckershell posted. I went on to wetwipes as soon as kyrans bum bum could take them! but thats just coz im weird about cotton wool.

ooo yeh this cream is also very good for nappy rash, it doesnt smell as much as sudocreme as well http://www.bepanthen.co.uk but like lots of the other mums said lots of nappy off time helps loads. but make sure youve got a "wee wee" towel. Kyran has a good 2ft pee range now! :wink:
Also just cotton wool and water for the first few weeks. Vaseline for the bottom and lady bits. Olive oil for moisturising.

I also had some sudocream for a few weeks on and also some infacare in the bath.
Personally I just used cotton wool, new baby's don't need anything else, but best to have something for if LO should get nappy rash, we bought some Metanium, but never needed it until Isaac started teething :(
I absolutely love little me baby organics range (currently bogof in Boots!)
we have eczema and allergies in our family, si try to be really careful what i use on Jared.
the sleepy head body cream has dill and lavender in it, i also use their hair wash and bath milk - they smell gorgeous and don't dry the skin out.

My other recommendation is AVENT magic cream, fantastic for all those little rashes baby's get.

And my last recommendation is Kamillosan (sp?) cream, made with chamomile great for sore bums and for mums :D
Thanks everyone I went shopping yesterday and bought some little bits and a bag of cotton wool pleats so i hopefully wont need anything else now until we run out as i really didnt wanna buy loads of unneccasary items we wont use so thanks. XX

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