Which one?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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We've narrowed it down to two & now my husband & I just can't agree on which... Poppy or Ivy? Vote now...
Ivy, definitely - I love that :) I think it's a timeless name and suits all ages! xx
I prefer Poppy - it's my daughter's middle name! :)
My cousins little girl is called Poppy and personally I don't like it. I think Ivy is lovely and so unusual! :) x
Love both, but I'd go with Ivy :) Almost used it for my second girl too, but then decided to go with Cleo instead
Thanks so much for the comments, it seems Ivy won the vote! I like them both but Poppy was my first choice, my husband hates Poppy & really likes Ivy & it was my lovely granny's name so that's really good, but a few people have said they don't like it because it makes them think of poison Ivy...& now I think of that too! D'oh! My 3 year old boy is also a big fan of Poppy & says Ivy is 'yucky'! Oh, it's such a hard decision!
My boy probably would have been Poppy if he was a girl :)
Whatever name you choose, people will always find something negative to say about it. We went with Oscar in the end, my mum tries to call him Ozzy, which I hate. She soon stopped!
Don't let other people's opinions put you off, go with something you love :)
And if your boy likes it too, even better! How special for to him to have had a say in choosing his baby sister's name :) xx
I've always liked Poppy I wanted it our our lg but I've got a couple of friends who used it. I just think it's pretty and if you shorten it to Pops it's even cuter :)
Ivy- love it. Its one of my faves but hubby wont let me use it if this bubs is a girl
We think our girl is going to be Poppy May, so obviously that gets my vote! For me, Ivy is just a little too old fashioned, but it's all personal choice!
Thanks so much for the comments, it seems Ivy won the vote! I like them both but Poppy was my first choice, my husband hates Poppy & really likes Ivy & it was my lovely granny's name so that's really good, but a few people have said they don't like it because it makes them think of poison Ivy...& now I think of that too! D'oh! My 3 year old boy is also a big fan of Poppy & says Ivy is 'yucky'! Oh, it's such a hard decision!

If some mentions poison ivy I just think of the dc comics character she's pretty awesome I don't think that's a bad thing to be associated with!
Ive seen Ivy on a lottttt of lists recently, however I do love it. Someone I know called her baby Ivy - she lost her later in the pregnancy, so it's always a name that has certainly stuck out for me.

Go with Ivy - Poppy, no offence to anyone using that name but it reminds me of a dog :shock: I know 4 poppy dogs, all little shits I mean - shih tzus :lol: It is a pretty name, but Id go with Ivy.


I'm avoiding discussing possible names with anyone but my OH. (and probably here).

People will always find fault with your possible names. Introduce them to a baby with the chosen name and they are unlikely to find anything bad to say about it.
Thanks for all the replies & opinions. No matter what anyone says I still love Poppy, which is a problem because my DH doesn't like it & is not budging :-( I remember meeting an old lady called Poppy when I was just 5 years old & I hadn't heard the name before but I loved it straight away. I named a doll Poppy & always thought one day I would love a daughter called Poppy. It wasn't a popular name back then, so I was a little disappointed when more people started using it recently! I've never wavered on it though & now I've finally got the chance to have a little girl called Poppy & my husband doesn't want it. So now we're coming up with other names, but I don't like any of them anywhere near as much & I just don't want to compromise on this! My little boy is also in love with Poppy, but DH says he definitely doesn't want it, what can I do?! *sob*.
Maybe your oh might change his mind once she is born? If you really have your heart set on it, it would be such a shame not to go with it have regrets. Would you/oh consider using it as a middle name as a sort of compromise? Xx

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