Which Formula?

Aptamil for us :D I was advised that it is the most like breast milk and it has been great, I BF for 6 wks and Layla transfered fine from breast milk to aptamil with no problems.
I never gave this much thought as I wanted to breast feed, but it turned out that I couldn't so I chose SMA on a spur of the moment thing.

Here's what I have heard:

SMA: can make them constipated.
C & G: Give you lovely nappies; if you know what I mean.
Aptimal: Can make them a little sicky.

It's all trial and error and you will find what suits your lo.

Best of luck. xx
Hi there

My wee one is ten weeks. For the first four weeks I used SMA gold and she was fine with it. She then broke out in a rash around her mouth which seemed to get worse during and after a feed so I changed her milk to Farleys to see if it made any difference (it didn't but luckily has now cleared up). Anyway she seemed to like the Farleys just as much and as its less than £5 a tin in tescos (up to £3 cheaper than aptimil) I have stuck to it. She has slept right through for 10 hours per night since she was 4 weeks, the night after I changed her milk. Might be a coincidence but i'm not tempting fate by changing it again :-)
i really wanna breast feed this time as i cud only do it for 2 weeks last time, i got mastitus loads and the baby was on my boob the whole 2 weeks, i feed Lewis sma gold because its the closest one to breast milk... sma is a big name, been abaout for years...

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