Which Formula?


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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Hello Mummies :wave:

Hopefuly I'll be Boobie Feeding my little monkey but just incase it doesnt go to plan then which formula do you recommend? Ive been advised not SMA but Farleys or Aptimil is good. I thought Id come and ask the experts :)

hey! :wave:

Farleys is fab! I tried SMA Gold n it made him constipated. aptimil made him real sick C&G Comfort led to him having blood thru his stools which ended us up in hosp for tests and continued for 8 wks or so until i went against the docs n changed him to farleys n he's never been better since :D

I'll defo be using farley's this time round if booby feeding doesnt work again
Hi gorgeous! :wave:

I tried SMA gold at first and it also made James constipated so we swopped to aptimil and we have had no problems. He is now on Aptimil hungrier baby cos he is King of the Biff Babies!! And we have had no problems with that either - aside from the fact he cant get it down his neck quick enough!!! :lol:
i use farleys and it is great never had any problems at all, and its one of the cheaper brands, which is also helpful as you go through so much of it!!
Aptamil for us luv!

I bf for the first week, and Mhairi's poo didn't change when she went on to Aptamil!

We use Aptamil. We had to start formula top ups when Jenna was 4 days old as she was losing too much weight, and the hospital recommended aptamil as its supposed to be the closest to breast milk. As we were mixed feeding, it made sense to use it. Never had any problems with it
I don't think there's much difference between them nutritionally. It's just a case of what suits baby and can be trial and error.
I always gave james sma gold without any problems. I like the fact you can buy the formula in ready made cartons too. I think a few other brands also do cartons. They're great when you're travelling or out all day.
We tried SMA gold and it made her constipated (this seems to be quite common) we have switched to Cow and Gate and she seems fine, although she now poos for England!!
sass said:
We tried SMA gold and it made her constipated (this seems to be quite common) we have switched to Cow and Gate and she seems fine, although she now poos for England!!

Ditto although because Ryan was mainly breastfed and only had occasional formula, his poo's were no worse than normal breastfed babies. Another bonus to breastfeeding... non-stinky (ish) poos
I think you'll just have to go one and see how it suits your baby.

We started on Cow & Gate as that's what they had in the hospital and I couldn't breastfeed. Ended up swapping to Aptimil though. Different babies seem to like different milks so I think it's a bit of trial and error!
My 1st had SMA gold, he was fine on that!
My 2cd son got constipated so changed him to cow and gate and he was fine on that! I think I prefered C&G tbh!
sma gold
haven't even tried any others and shes fine with this
I bought 2 cartons of Apitmal as a backup - which was a good thing as he had a bad day feeding on thursday and my mum bottle fed him a little bit of the Apitmal stuff. He didn't seem bothered by it and it helped settle him to try breastfeeding again.

Feeding is sorted now though :D Bloody hard work but stick to it and ask for LOTS of help if you need it!

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