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Where's my nesting bug gone!?!


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2007
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For the past few weeks I've been seriously into cleaning of the anal kind (ie, emptying out the kitchen cupboards so I could scrub them and put the food back in in date order!)
Now I'm back into lazy arse mode. The house is a tip but all I want to do is sleep, it doesn't help that I've got a cold and feel a bit poo.
I want my nesting bug back! :wall: :wall:
I'm still waiting for it to appear :lol:
I'm with Bee on this one :rotfl:

Hope it comes back soon muppetmummy :hug:
I never had it with my second! but ive had it sice last thursday and im not even pregnant!
Think I'm gonna give myself a license to be lazy today seeing as I'm not feeling 100% anyway, hopefully with some rest I will be full of energy to do a full days cleaning tomorrow.

One thing I do have to do today is empty my wardrobe. OH has decided he doesn't like the colour and size of the fitted wardrobe and wants to rip it out so we have room to put the cot in our bedroom.
Typical bloke, I want to get the house ready for baby, and he decides to create lots of DIY dust :wall: :wall: Gives me more of an excuse to be lazy though, why clean if he's just gonna make a mess!
I only have 3 pairs of trousers and 5 tops that actually fit at the moment so everything else can go into bin bags :lol:
forget the cleaning just relax!
i have off and on periods with the nesting bug. yesterday cos i thought labour had started i panicked and was trying to get all done but today i am resting. as i have a messy 2 yr old if i clean in day i repeat after she has gone to bed. she has been in sand pit today watering plants and water cress shes grown bless and play dough everywhere. so u can imagine my house lol if i put away she will want it back out so leaving too later lol. if u are resting its cos ur body needs it.

marie x
picking James up from school this afternoon made me realise that I'm definately not right today. I barely had the energy to walk.
Keeping my butt firmly on the sofa this afternoon :D
I nearly wet myself when i read that! Not sure i want to know what that involves! :shock: :rotfl: :rotfl:

You can have some of my nesting bug. I keep nagging OH whenever he so much as moves something or doesn't hang his coat up within 10 seconds of taking it off... sure i'm driivng him mad!

I nested my car yesterday. I'm going to hoover soon. HELP!
We riped apart our nice wardrobes too muppetmummy so we could fit the cot in but thankfully have a cupboard/wardrobe to put all our stuff in.
Me and OH changed the room/sorted loads out completely last week, buying a cot on Friday so almost complete. I decided to rest up beginning of this week, but will carry on sorting through some more bits tomorrow.

I think that you should give yourself little breaks or I find that you become over knackered which is a horrible feeling!
OH has been looking for an excuse to get rid of the wardrobe since we moved in 18 months ago. It is massive and dark wood so dominates the whole room which is tiny to start with (only room to walk around the bed).
There's a cupboard in the room that OH will eventually turn into a built in wardrobe to save space.
In the meantime none of my clothes fit me anyway, and OH clothes hardly ever make it into the wardrobe or the wash basket, they just live stuffed down the side of the bed to be sniffed and recycled :puke:
We got rid of my wardrobe too. My room is now my OH's and the baby's room too so it had to go. We had to move that into my mums room (she didn't want me to chuck it) then take apart OH's wardrobe from his parents house then reasemble that at mine. My room looks SO different now. I'm glad i didn't wait to do it though as i get so tired now!
I've just done a touch of nesting.

Cleared out OH's wardrobe what a messy bugger he is :x and tidied it all up for him. I'm glad i did though I found my Black jogging bottoms that i have worn once and haven't been able to find for months in there!

Swept and mopped all the floors, hoovered my bedroom and given the bathroom a quick wipe over.

Mission accomplished for today I think!!!
:shock: well done! You have put me to shame! I have to pick up James in an hour and haven't done anything yet!! :oops:

I want to clean and tidy cos the house is an absolute tip and it's bugging me, I just can't get the energy together to do it. Just feel like going back to bed!

Have to at least tidy the living room this afternoon cos I'm at work all day tomorrow. At the moment I find work knackers me so i have no energy to clean on my days off.
Looking forward to starting maternity leave so I can focus on my nesting and transform into a domestic goddess :angel:

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