Hmmmm...maybe a false alarm after all??
I had a few bh's between 10am and 2pm but then no noticable ones since. I was tidying up the spare room though as father in law had just announced he's got his visa and will be here on sunday (yay
) and I got REALLY bad back and pelvic aching and a pushing down pressure - even though I wasn't doing anything too manual. So I hoped that maybe it was a sign of things to come as it was so strong I had to go lie down......but apparently not
I've felt sick and just 'off' all day
I can't stay up for more than about 3hrs in a row before I have to go and have a nap for an hour or so because I'm exaughsted
Eating, drinking and resting make no difference what-so-ever
No noticable leaking. Bump's been pretty quiet all day though. I've had more than the '10 daily movements' but they're just a little shuffle here and the odd prod there and nothing for hours inbetween. Normally he kicks about like crazy
I'm sure he's fine and at least he IS moving every few hours but I'm just not used to him being so....well....gentle!
If I'm still a bit concerned later on this morning I will nip hospital.
Thing is he went really quiet on tuesday but then was back to normal on wednesday and actually engaged on wednesday as I'm hoping that since he's been so quiet today he will be storing his energy up to do something else
Midwives around here really aren't fussed as long as you get 10 movements a day and don't have any obvious signs of distress. I can kind of understand it because I know the babies tend to quieten down but I also don't like the idea that if you suspect something was going wrong you could be waiting hours before anyone will take you seriously