Where is baby sleeping?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi all

Maddie is approaching 4 months and is still sleeping in our room. We'd been advised to keep her in our room for the first 6 months, however she's sleeping in a carrycot, and she'll be outgrowing it soon. We can't fit the cot in our room so are thinking of transferring her into her nursery soon. She has her naps in there so I don't think there will be a problem, it's just the fear of 'cot death' that worries me.

What have you done with your wee ones?

Do you have a travel cot? My friend put her son in theirs in their bedroom till he was 6 months.

I will keep Brody in our room till he's at least 6 months, but that's not really cos of cot-eath, it's just where I like him :) plus we have a crib so he'll fit it.

If you do need to put her in her room then just go for it, plenty of people put 2 week old babies in their own rooms so I wouldn't worry too much.
i moved Aimee in to her own room about 10 days ago and she is sleeping much better! It was for the same reason that she was out growing her moses basket. I put on her baby monitors and they are so sensitive that I can hear her clock ticking so I keeps me relaxed.
Ewan was put into his own room after about 3 weeks, as he was constantly suffling or moving around and it would wake me and hubby up constantly - so we decided for our own sanity and saftey that we would move him and he has been fine.
(my hubby drives all day and we couldn't risk him being tired on the job)
oh forgot to add - i woke quite easily when he stired durin the night - his room is just across the corridor from us - and hubby quickly adjusted to sleeping through him waking - to the point that in the morning he would ask if ewan had slept through - to which he would get a rather grump NO he didn't - esp when you try to get back in to bed and hubby has taken the covers and got his head on your pillow - i have gone past the point of getting in to bed quietly now!! :)
ethan has been in his own room sine 1week old he is also in his cot now as he out grew the basket i found he slept better in his own room as justin my oh snores lol as long as u follow the correct way to put them in there cot im sure u will be fine hun
esp when you try to get back in to bed and hubby has taken the covers and got his head on your pillow
- Made me laugh!!

Thanks for your replies ladies - I'm going to visit my folks next week, but once I get back I think I'll move her to her own room. Our baby monitor is also very sensitive and amplifies all noises. Our travel cot won't fit in our room either. It really is a stupidly small bedroom :(


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