Where to give birth


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2005
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Thought I'd start a new topic for us Spring Mummies-to-Be!

I've been told that the earlier you plan and ask for your preferred choice of delivery, the more likely you are to get what you really want. With that in mind, I've been thinking about the three main options:

1) Hospital
2) Home
3) Midwife Unit

Anyone have any thoughts/preferences/previous experiences? Also, any options I've missed? I know it's a very personal choice but I'd love to hear any advice or info.

Hi hun i have voted home but i had two hospital births not by choice though :(
I really wanted a home birth as ive heard its much more relaxing and you can be home with all your family as soona s the baby has been brought into teh world but i never got that choice because Adele was born at 29 weeks and i was induced with Colby.

Good luck with making your choice and hope whatever it may be it will be a fantastic experiance take care
Thanks! I've spoken to my midwife - I did fancy the Midwife Unit but the only one near to me is linked to Preston Hospital, not Wigan, so all of my appointments would have to be in Preston which is a little far. I'm a bit scared of a home birth as this is my first... I suppose I'm just worried that the hospital might be a little impersonal? No disrespect to wonderful hospital medical staff!!
i gonna have a home birth this time as i dont think i will make it to the hospital this time because i nearly had my son in the ambalance!!
i was fully dilated wen the midwife came and wen i got to the hospital i had him within 9 mins of being there!!! lol



I'm planning a home birth. It's my first but I'm low risk so the midwife's said it should be okay.

My sister & mum have both experienced hospital and home births, and have both recommended home birth to me! My sister had pizza delivered & got to watch DVDs most of the time!

Have to wait and see if it's definitely okay, but as long as I stay low risk it should be fine.
Thanks Guys

That actually makes me reconsider the Home Birth option - I was a bit nervous about not having access to all of the medical experts and equipment! I suppose after I have the triple test I'll have a better idea about my risk level, might give it a rethink then.


P.S Any thoughts on the triple test? I've been told it's optional but I can't figure out any downsides?
I am having my baby at a birthing centre as my last two births were normal and the unit is just 5 mins up the road :D ,it looks really lovely and relaxing there aswell :D xx
For my first iI wanted a hospital birth, purely for the fact I had never experienced it before and I didn't know if I would cope with the pain. Ended up giving birth at 34 weeks so I had no choice anyway! We don't have a midwife led unit round here but anyway, I'll be back at the hospital for this one as I'm high risk now :(. I have 3 near me so I get to pick the cream of the crop.

I would of liked a home birth, but not knowing how I would deal with the pain, and knowing my baby could be depreived of immediate care if it was needed was something I decided was not worth the risk. I actually felt more comfortable in hospital in the end.

My tip for if you're going for a hospital birth is pick the best one within reasonable distance to you. The hospital I ended up giving birth to was 25 miles away, and I'd already gone 15 miles to another hospital in a different diferection, 40mile journey in an ambulance, in full blown labour, giving birth early, but he still hung on (not that I reccomend it, the bumpyness made me dilate for 3cm-7cm during the journey :shock: )

It's down to personal choice though, I would just be happy at hospital knowing everything is covered.
I want a home birth for definate this time. First time round I got scared near the end and decided on going to hospital, but had her within 45 mins of arriving so I might as well of stayed at home!
I know that I will get good care at home, will be in a relaxed environment and wont have to wait around for other people to get things sorted out afterwards. We were waiting to leave the hospital and had to wait for ages for her hospital number to be sorted out, they were in no rush. I know that personally I will feel more in control of my labour and birth by being at home instead of a hospital room.
im aiming for the birthing unit at the womens hospital this time round and if theres a pool available and depneding how i feel i may jump in there :D
I would have said a midwife unit this time last year but after my experience at one I would go to hospital. The idea is lovly of the MLU but I believe because i went here I ended up having a emergecy section.

I had been in labour for three days, at the MLU they were trying to send me home as it was not progressing but i needed the gas and air it was hurting so much! I was in the birthing pool for hours, they kept checking me but no progess. They realised Oliver head was trapped on the cervix so they gave me pethidine so the midwife could move this. His heart beat started dropping and i was exhauseted. They moved me to the hospital, the worst part of my life ever, i was so uncomfy. When i got to the hospital the doctor found oliver was back to back!!!! How had the other midwifes missed this??? This led to the emergency section. Any way what i am trying to say is we think the MLU kepted me there too long, If at main hospital we could have had more drugs to help progress and wpould have known earlier he was back to back!
Sorry to have gone on but i cry must days about how the labout went!!

I still love the idea of the units but i think they kepted me there so long to keep there birth numbers up, they should have moved me sooner.
Im going for the hospital birth again i had it with my previous 2 i just felt safer once i was there knowing that the equipment and everything was there should my baby need it.The hospital that i ahve to go to is about 60 miles away and had to be induced the 1st time but was in labour in the middle of the night in the ambulance all the bumpy roads seemed to take forever to get there,we got there and my husband had to go and buzz to let them know we had arrived and he said ive got my wife here shes 4cm :rotfl: bless him bet the midwife thought god shes bit small.and i had an epidural which was good for me,any of you ladies had them ?
i was like that with my son kina, i was gonna have a home birth with him but got scared, after 9 mins of being in the hospital he was born,
i want a water home birth. i can have low lighting, hav the tv or music on, i'll feel more comfortable with all my bits out infront of ppl in if i'm in my own home, and i wont hav 2 hang around in hospital afterwards or the ordeal of travelling home afterwards. my girl friend had her first baby this way and really bigged it up!
Oh, for sure- if I get to 37 weeks, if everything's okay by then, I'll be popping this one out at home!
I've spent a lot of time in hospital for one reason or another (most of my long-duration stays have been in the maternity hospital), and that's enough to convince me that they're full of, if not actually sick people, people who have got problems! If I have no problems- I wanna stay home!
If I'm at home, I can listen to my music on my stereo, I can go in my bath, I can sleep in my bed, I can sit in front of my fire- and even better, I can have my husband and daughter with me, so my daughter (age 4 1/2) can be there for the birth, without worrying about being stuck in one little room and her going mad with boredam.

All I need is to get to 37 weeks (35 weeks today- and feeling like a whale!)

TM :shakehead:

BTW- wanted to vote on this, but couldn't figure out how?

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