Where the heck has the time gone :-(


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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As of tomorrow I am 'officially' 3rd tri :shock:

I will stay here though :lol: just will post my tummy pics in 3rd tri and occasionally look in there.
It's scary - like I'm officially pregnant now! No pretending I just like my pies :rotfl:

Really should start doing some shopping though. Am going to start in January - just got a huuuge mobile phone bill so need to "borrow" money from DH's account to pay it. Shhhh - don't tell him :wink: :shhh:

SO - how is everyone else doing??
I'm about to make a pavlova. made one the other night, but lost all will power and didn't let the merrangue cool, I took it straight from the oven and ate it gooey :oops: REgretted it afterwards but it was very nice at the time :lol:
This time it is cooling properly and am actually going to make it into a pavlova!!
I think you ought to be officially kicked out of 2nd tri by the mods :wink: I'm coming to 3rd tri thursday as I had paris a week early so it figures :moon:
aww good luck over there hun
i cant wait till its my turn :)
manda xx
MM I'm with you..Tri 3 is just waaay too scary, I'm staying here..occasionally posting in Tri 3..I feel like I'm not pregnant enough to be there though! Kinda in between Trimesters if that makes sense :think:
poppy160 said:
I feel like I'm not pregnant enough to be there though! Kinda in between Trimesters if that makes sense :think:

EXACTLY how I feel!
There needs to be a 2.5 Tri !! :lol:
Come on over girls. It not too scary honestly. :D

We're a nice group, but some of us are a bit annoyed at the moment as we thought we would have our lo's by the time you came over. xxx
Tri 3 is a bit scary. I feel safer in here LOL!

See you over there though :D
monster_munch said:
Really should start doing some shopping though. Am going to start in January - just got a huuuge mobile phone bill so need to "borrow" money from DH's account to pay it. Shhhh - don't tell him :wink: :shhh:

erm not my fault is it? :oops:
libs said:
monster_munch said:
Really should start doing some shopping though. Am going to start in January - just got a huuuge mobile phone bill so need to "borrow" money from DH's account to pay it. Shhhh - don't tell him :wink: :shhh:

erm not my fault is it? :oops:

Not really - I get unlimited texts with my contract but no free web browsing, so when I come on here on my phone it costs the Earth.
Am going to tell DH it's your fault though - will send you the bill :moon:
:wave: enjoy tri 3 but remember 2 pop bk 2 c us all x
Ooo - only just realised I'm on the 6th flower now as well :D :dance:
(God how sad can you get :lol: )
Good luck in tri 3! Can't believe so many people who I knew in ttc are there already! :shock:
No don't go!!!! :shakehead:

Tri 3 is scary, time is going very fast.

I don't want to leave 2nd tri at all, we must stay here :D

(I've actually still got 2 weeks to go :wink: )
I've heard they make you have your baby in third tri - that no-one escapes until they've done it! :shock:

Good luck over there :wave:

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