where have I gone wrong?

Daniel's Mummy

Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2007
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With Daniel's routine.........

From 6 months old he has been really good with his routine:

wake at 7am
1/2 hour sleep in the morning
2 - 2 1/2 hour sleep in the afternoon
bed at 7

the last week or so he is all over the place not sleeping in the day, waking for his dummy constantly in the night (never used to do this). I can't think of anything I'm doing differently so why has he changed all of a sudden. :think:

I feel so tired and down today. I thought I was doing so well until a week ago now i feel like a bad Mummy.

Any ideas or advice would be much appreciated :)
You're not going wrong anywhere, babies change and so do their routines.

Ryan had no routine up until he was about 6-7 months and it was perfect for a month or so but then I went back to work and he started nursery and the whole thing was messed up.

Does he eat much during the day? Waking up in the night could be a sign he wants more solids? Or he could be teething?

You're not a bad Mummy though, babies just like to keep us on our toes :lol: :hug: :hug:
the last week he has been difficult to feed, whereas I have never had trouble before - he has always been a good eater. He doesn't want his normal homecooked food he'd rather just have a bit of bread to chew on or something. He isn't ill and up until now his teeth haven't seemed to bother him to much.

Thanks for your reply :eek:)
sounds like teething to me, Paris was the same around that age.
hannah was sleeping through perfectly at about 12 weeks old as soon as she hit about 5 months she hasnt sletp through ONCE.

she even now gets up twice a night for a bottle. (altho things have got easier as she feeds it to herself)

you've done nothing wrong - its just ups and downs of babies! :hug:
It might be teething. Try using some teething gel or powder and see if it helps.

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