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Where does your LO play? - UPDATE - Kayden's just climbed out the cot!! HELP


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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Kayden is 7 months.

I would say he's crawling but he's not exactly....he's shuffling himself along the ground...pulling himself along. He can get from one part of the room to the other. Its proving difficult with the way we have the furniture in the living room. Obviously I dont want him anywhere near the door incase older LO comes barging in.

I dont know what to do with him, its not so much things he can touch like ornaments coz we dont have any ornaments or things lying around, but he keeps biting the glass coffee table & my OH's tall wooden speakers, we cant put these things anywhere else!!

With my eldest LO it was ok, different living room & it worked ok, but this time, its a nightmare, do I buy a travel cot? Do I buy a playpen? safety gates wont help with the living room - where do I let him play??? Help!!

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Sounds v difficult hun- maybe a travel cot that doubles up as a playpen would do? That way u get two things for the price of one? I'm planning to use ours when I need to (Ethan not quite a mobile as Kayden atm) xx
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We have a similar problem. We've only got a small living room with alot of furniture! We have no room for a play pen or the travel cot up!! At the mo LO has her playmat in front of the tv stand where the most room is. The only thing I can do is get rid of one of the sofas, but then there is nowhere to sit for visitors!

Maybe if you've got enough room for one, get a large play pen so LO can still get around a bit x
We have been thinking ahead about this. Although it's a way off yet, our living room is probably the least child friendly place - glass coffee table and not enough room to swing a cat. Really not sure how we'll manage when Emily starts being more mobile. Eekk... Xx
We've already had to buy a new coffee table to make more room!
could you buy those plastic strip things for edging ? and put them round the edges? xx


Heard a thud, goes upstairs, he's lying in a crawling position smiling up at me, I honestly have no idea how he got out! I'm shocked. I'm saying cot but i mean crib, a swinging crib thingy, we had taken it off the swing bit & put the main crib flat onto the ground next to my bed, so its hardly any of a drop but he still could have broken his neck or something.

Its getting a bit rediculous now coz he wont even lie still to get nappy or clothes changed, I literally cant keep this boy at peace, i'm seriously wanting to go about asking ppl how to get him still. I really cant do it.

I like the idea of playpen, I might be able to squeeze on it, cant afford it tho will need to check gumtree or ebay.

Oh & thanks ladies, the funs officially begun for me!

Your LO sounds exactly like Oz. he's a frickin nightmare, soon as he started bum shuffling he was into EVERYTHING, nothing is safe. Now he's been walking since just before christmas he's since becoome a climber, I swear he is going to break his neck. He's so quick and with LO#2 here and I'm sometimes feeding her I can't get to him quick enough it's frightening!

Absolutely no advice, but just to say you're not alone, I think it must be boys. Too adventurous, will send their mum's to an early grave with worry lol
OMG! That thud noise must have sent u into panic! Hope u can figure something out with the living room hun and that Kayden doesnt get too adventurous in the mean time xx
Maria my wee girl was bad but not this bad, he's just so determined, when I used to pick her up & put her away from whatever she wasn't meant to be at she'd try a cpl times then stop, Kayden goes on & on for ages. He's defo alot more adventurous than my girl was.

My bedroom (where Kayden sleeps) is right above living room, when I heard the thud I knew it was something like that coz he doesn't have any toys or anything in the cot. How the f**k did he get out, Its freaky its like that horror film one minute your baby's in the cot next he's half way over the room, I dread to think what the thump was, hope it wasn't his wee head. He never cried or anything :shock:
I think it must be boys Charlie's the same, give him plenty of toys and he crawls over to wires and remotest and the radiator (its never on but he's obsessed with it?) I think maybe you need a bigger cot for him? Charlie used to have a swinging crib but went out of it in march as he got too big for it, he's a right bruiser. Glad your little man's okay though and wasnt crying or anything.

It's all fun and games from here on! X
Oh I could have written this! Its def a boy thing! He is so adventurous, into everything and will not sit still! My dd wasn't like this either. I have a play pen a friend gave me which helps when Im busy. He's so quick always grabbing wires or pressing buttons or finding things he shouldn't have like fluff on the carpets or pens my dd has left lying about.

And as for nappy changes Im at a loss now as he just will not stay still so getting loads of leaks and had a poo roll away tonight which he put his foot in!

I took Kynon out of his crib a while back as the sides weren't high enough he def can't climb out of the cot yet! You must have been well freaked out, good job he was ok!
Gosh! That sounded scary for you but obviously didn't phase Kayden!! Brave boy!!

Don't really know what to suggest , we havnt hit this milestone yet!!

Its very very close to the ground, less than a foot, but i just cant stop thinking of the thud. Its not just that...he fell off the bed about 3 weeks ago & it was a peach. Felt terrible afterwards, and now this, he's a handful. I've been looking at those playpens, dont have a walker coz not enough space. Gonna keep an eye out for a cheap playpen. He has me in a right flap when changing his nappy lool I need to get my wee girl to hold him down. So much energy.

Omg how scary! I got a big wooden playpen off eBay for £30, we chopped up and made it into a room guard/gate so we could lock the dogs in the dining room
A glass coffee table sounds a nightmare with children I'd be tempted to ditch a coffee table altogether til LO is bigger.

I like play pens better than travel cots because baby can see out better.
Oh blimey! Sounds like your little boy is full of beans.

A play pen is probably the best solution. Hope you find one soon! Xc

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