Where do you feel movement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Over the past week I mostly feel baby move very low down. They are quite hard movements and can make me jump a little. I really don't feel much movement above my belly button anymore.

Is this normal and where do you feel most of your lo's kicks and punches? xx
I feel kicks up high, where my ribs are and low, under belly button and pubic area at times, his feet are more dominant though.

Do you have a low placenta?
Josephine_Beth said:
I feel kicks up high, where my ribs are and low, under belly button and pubic area at times,

Same here
Mine kicks me in the side and still very low down but on Friday when I had my 31 week appointment with the midwife she said it was breech so I think that may be why I don't get kicked in the ribs!! I can feel it squirming all over the place where it's changing position and I get a lump to the right of my belly button which would seem is its bum! (nice...)
i mainly feel them high up but my baby is back to back so my belly is soft down the centre where his hands and feet are so all movements are usually in this area
i feel them in the middle, then high above my belly button and also on the right side quite a lot.
I haven't been told that I have a low placenta.

I was in the bath this morning and was having a good feel of my tummy. I am sure that his little bum was pocking out in the middle of my belly between my ribs and belly button. I think this might be why I am not feeling many movements above belly button level, but can definitely see them. xx

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