Where do I go from here?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
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Ok so Donovan has never showed any signs of sleeping through until the last week or so, about ten days ago he went through what i now put down to a growth spurt because he went from feeding every 3 hours in the night to every hour and a half and then all of a sudden went to four and a half hours between bottles...

Last night was the best he ever done! put him down to bed at eleven, he woke at half one, half two and half 5 but i just popped dummy in and he went straight back to sleep, he woke properly at 6 had a big poo then back to sleep til half 8 after 2 oz of milk which in hindsight i dont think he needed coz now i realise he woke because of the poo.

I just dont know what to do now, he is really coming on with his night times but in about 3 weeks I reckon he will have grown out of his moses basket so gonna have to put him to sleep in his crib but I dont want him to be unsettled and ruin any progress he has made up to then, but on the other hand I dont know whether to put him in his crib now before he starts sleeping through so theres nothing to regress from if u know what i mean?

But Im not sure if this could backfire and mean he has to start from scratch again in his crib and then it will take him even longer to sleep through because hes never done it iykwim?

Hmm any advice? x
With Lilly I have been putting her to sleep in her cot during the day and to sleep in the moses basket at night since she was about 3 weeks old and although it took her a few days to get used to, she loves it. She loves the space and she loves her room which is nice and bright during the day and just lit by moonlight at night. Maybe try doing this with him during the day and then he'll be so comfy in it he wont notice when you put him in there during the night..... I know Lilly wouldn't! The only reason that I still have her in my room is the convenience with her still feeding every 2-3 hours, as soon as she widens that gap she will be straight in her cot.

Good luck!
ida lso say for a few nights or so before he has to go in to his cot, maybe let him sleep in the moses basket in his cot. It will mean that he gets used to the sounds and smells of somewhere else (sorry im just presuming that its in a different room) and then WSS^^^ x

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