where art thou???


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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right.....come on now...where is my ovulation???!!!! I am day 14 and not a sign, not even a sniff of a line.....bugger all and thats putting it politely...since september have always ovulated on cd 12....except when i was pregnant in jan & feb...

I know this sounds daft cos im not even ttc.......well not this month anyway....but i need to know when im ovulating so that i can settle myself, i just want to know my cycles are ok after the mc and i have this horrible feeling that they are not now :(

blinking cycle got my hopes up last month when it all seemed to happen as 'normal' after the mc and now its gone to pot...

i have this horrible....what if that was my chance feeling going on...someone talk some sense into me :( xx
Aw Samsgirl, you're being daft :hug:

You having been pregnant is what is important, that is the tricky bit.

You and hubby are clearly working as intended :)

It might take you a little time to get back on track with your cycles, but worrying about it when you're not even trying isn't going to help.

Your fine and what is going on is perfectly normal so you just have to trust that your body knows what it's doing ;) Giving itself a nice rest and reboot before getting ready for the sticky bean :hug:
thanks my lovely....i knew you would be the one to talk some sense into me :)

cycles can go a little haywire after an Mc hun, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Are you still dieting? Could this have effected it?
As Louise said, you have got pregnant before so clearly everything is functioning as it should :hug:
Hope you don't mind me dropping in, if I don't I'll start pining for you guys :roll: xx
i would be annoyed if you didnt pop in :p

dieting??? errrmmmm is having a mcdonalds for tea is dieting...then....errr...yeah?! lol....that'll be a no then!!

i guess it's just going to take a couple of month

Hey Samgirl, im a bit in front of you mc wise and its definetly going to take a bit of time to get back to normal. I went to the dr and he said exactly that! We will be fine our ov might change but we will be ready for our bfp soon as we are ready!
thanks petal....how are you doing these days? xxx
aw samsgirl, don't think like that hun! u are clearly a fertile lady as like louise said, you've been preggers before, like everyone else says it just might take some time xxxxxx
thanks petal....how are you feeling...has it sunk in yet? are you terrfied yet? lol...i remember it kind of hitting me and i had that 'oh my god have i done the right thing' feeling...lol xx
thanks petal....how are you doing these days? xxx

Im doing ok yeah. Was still spotting every few weeks so on Wed I went to the dr. Said it was 7 and a half weeks so felt this should have stopped. He said up to 3 months before you can expect to be back to normal! Not what I wanted to hear! He took some swabs to check for infection. Get results tomorrow so got my fx that all is well! Im at the stage where Im just so annoyed with my body not getting back to normal!

Hope your feeling better. You will ov just maybe at a different time!
Hey hun i never got a positive opk till my 3rd month after MC last time, think hormones can go a bit crazy, hope Ov comes back soon :) I guess its not as bad since you are not TTC but never the less i know the feeling of wanting things to be back to normal.

I'm currently in the witches waiting room :roll:
Hey hun i never got a positive opk till my 3rd month after MC last time, think hormones can go a bit crazy, hope Ov comes back soon :) I guess its not as bad since you are not TTC but never the less i know the feeling of wanting things to be back to normal.

I'm currently in the witches waiting room :roll:

hope the heatings on and there are some decent biscuits xxx
thanks petal....how are you doing these days? xxx

Im doing ok yeah. Was still spotting every few weeks so on Wed I went to the dr. Said it was 7 and a half weeks so felt this should have stopped. He said up to 3 months before you can expect to be back to normal! Not what I wanted to hear! He took some swabs to check for infection. Get results tomorrow so got my fx that all is well! Im at the stage where Im just so annoyed with my body not getting back to normal!

Hope your feeling better. You will ov just maybe at a different time!

god love you.........u must be very frustrated. hope results are ok tomorrow xx
Hey hun i never got a positive opk till my 3rd month after MC last time, think hormones can go a bit crazy, hope Ov comes back soon :) I guess its not as bad since you are not TTC but never the less i know the feeling of wanting things to be back to normal.

I'm currently in the witches waiting room :roll:

hope the heatings on and there are some decent biscuits xxx

Dont worry there is plenty biscuits, infact i eat a whole packet of maryland cookies yesterday :oooo:
Hey hun i never got a positive opk till my 3rd month after MC last time, think hormones can go a bit crazy, hope Ov comes back soon :) I guess its not as bad since you are not TTC but never the less i know the feeling of wanting things to be back to normal.

I'm currently in the witches waiting room :roll:

hope the heatings on and there are some decent biscuits xxx

Dont worry there is plenty biscuits, infact i eat a whole packet of maryland cookies yesterday :oooo:

ha ha...good effort!!! :D xx
Mmmm cookies. Reading this has made me hungry!
Dont worry too much im in the same boat my cycle seems to have gone abit potty too. Im sure things will sort themsevles out for both of us soon xxx
cd15....still negative opk.........i cant have sex until i know i have ov'd....lol..although OH wants us to ttc this month...but i have to put my foot down......it'd be too close to the wedding...xxx as much as i want to.....i have ordered the dress now!! lol xx
i have my surge ladies...cd16 :D so relieved to see smiley face......wonder if i will still have a 28 day cycle and just a shorter luteal phase...xx
Yay :yay:

Glad the big "O" finally showed up for you xxx

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