Where are you putting your cot at first...

hiwe are going to knock the wall through from our bedroom to the nursery so that baby can go straight in his own room from day 1, will help when OH is working and i can do night feeds without disturbing him too much, also think the fact that baby will be away from us will help in the long run. when he's bit older we can build it back up so he has his own room. Im lucky OH is a builder lol xx
We're gonna have bubs in with us for a few months and we're setting up the nursery in the room next door. Luckily the room is massive so we can fit all the nursery stuff AND a double bed. That should make life easier if bubs has a bad night. Means one of us can sleep in the nursery and the other gets a good nights sleep.
I've been wondering about whether to have the baby in a seperate room for the word go as it seems desperately unfair on my husband who works really long hours if the baby then keeps him awake. I was going to do moses basket and then cot but i had always planned to put the baby straight into its own room and am really suprised no one else is doing this?
I've been wondering about whether to have the baby in a seperate room for the word go as it seems desperately unfair on my husband who works really long hours if the baby then keeps him awake. I was going to do moses basket and then cot but i had always planned to put the baby straight into its own room and am really suprised no one else is doing this?

Another friend of mine with a four week old has done this. To be fair their bedroom is a bit on the poky side. It's a lot easier for them to have him in the next room and they're only 5 steps away from him anyway so it's not like he's all on his own.
its worth noting, that the SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) association suggest that babies sleep in the same room as their parents until at least six months old.
we've been lucky enough to have a moses basket offered to us as well as a small crib, have decided to keep baby in moses basket in our room at night, then keep the crib downstairs in the living room so baby can sleep down there during the day so I don't have to keep carrying and moving the moses basket about. We plan on getting a cotbed for the nursey which baby will go into once they outgrow the moses basket/crib. The moses basket is a family airloom, has had 13 babies in it! The crib is being lent to us by my best friend and is around 30 years old so feel really honoured :)
Hi, StarFish we were thinking of doing the same, I have read all the literature that states about the safest place is in the room with you for 6 months (but as has been mentioned I'm yet to hear of a baby small enough to fir in a moses basket at 6 months. All my nephews have been around 9 weeks before they've had to move out of it! - Big Boys :o), but in my case the room is small and therefore I've got more chance of tripping over the moses basket in pitch darkness and harming baby that way :o) Also they say not to put your baby by a radiator or window and so in our room thats the only place a crib could go soooo..., I Dunno, I've been trying to weigh it up and I reckon in our house the distance from our room to babies room is about the same as someone who lives in a bigger house and has bigger rooms lol! We're only about 10 paces away, I'm sure I shall um and aah about it on the next coming months but everyones does it their own way and if babies happy then it's one less move from basket to cot for it to accustom too and also one less hurdle for us too. Who knows. Each to their own. xx If baby can't settle in it's cot then we'll have to reassess...
I've been wondering about whether to have the baby in a seperate room for the word go as it seems desperately unfair on my husband who works really long hours if the baby then keeps him awake. I was going to do moses basket and then cot but i had always planned to put the baby straight into its own room and am really suprised no one else is doing this?

Midwives advise against this, as said above by lettie and big bump.

Majority of us have the same issues regarding partners working ect, its difficult to work around but they only get up during the night for a few months. I would pick baby up when crying and lift her into into the bed when I was breast feeding then when I moved to bottle i'd take her into the living room with me while OH was sleeping, then put her back into cot.

My OH works long hours too but I did all the night feeds, unfortunately there's nothing that can be done about baby crying its just one of those things that our OH's have to get used to sleeping through!!

i am planning a separate room for the baby, very very close to our with the door open between the 2 rooms and the netrance to the baby's room is only from our bedroom, a video camera on baby's cot and one of those mattresses that bip if the baby stops breathing, though not proved to help for SIDS i am going to do it. Also no blanket in the cot or anything else there. Baby will sleep with one of those blankets that you can wear. Ofc i will be checking the baby very often by camera and also going to its room. I dont see why the SIDS risk will be bigger because it will be 5 meters away from me. Not that i will forget it there and go look at it again the next morning...

Besides the reason of oh sleeping i mostly do it for hygiene purposes. I want a certain temperature in the baby's room and the cleaner, less allergenic environment that i can achieve. Also me and oh we are both doctors and that means we come in contact every day with lots of sick people...carrying at home all sort of viruses and microbes... if i can spare the Lo from breathing all that all night in a room with closed windows then i will do it.
Also in the babys room will go a single adult bed for those nights that Lo is sick, unsettled etc and needs constant supervision.
I dont suppose it would make much difference if the rooms are joined and door is opened. it wouldn't be like different rooms in that case!!

yes it will be , the doors can close also....especially if one of us has a cold or the baby is crying and oh cant sleep. it is a different room after all, its all about how you want to use it.
I'll probably ask my mum all of this when the time comes as she's a pro! :lol:
But I'm going to do what Lilmoomin said I think. My sister in law did this recently with her baby. Whenever they stayed here, she would bring the moses basket with her, ideal really! xxx
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