When's the earliest we can test?

ive got a 10miu but yesterday it was a bfn,maybe i might do it 2moro too,wasnt going to but you lot have started me thinking again :roll: :oops:
you got 10miu ones coming then Jo?
If not i can post you a couple if you need them?

Oooo i hope you both get BFP!!

:pray: :pray: :pray:
i had the implant in and it stopped me for three mths , whens the best time to test ?
HayleyB said:
you got 10miu ones coming then Jo?
If not i can post you a couple if you need them?

Oooo i hope you both get BFP!!

:pray: :pray: :pray:
Yeah mine came this morning..the minte i got up to test which was handy!!
Was a bfn tho..
Ill wait til 2mo or summat.. :pray: :pray:
lornajo said:
i had the implant in and it stopped me for three mths , whens the best time to test ?

Hiya Welcome to the forum.

You may get more replies to your question if you start a new topic, but in the meantime:
I caught after the injection with my first. If you think you are pregnant, I'd work it out as if you had normal periods and use the time from them, ie wait about 3.5 months.

If you are worried though..it's very normal for the injection to totally mess up your cycle, and not have a period for 4-5 months afterwards. That's why I didn't test for so long...and I was after all!

If you had the injection more than 3 months ago and are worried, I'd just do a test to be on the safe side.....if it's neg you could always do another in a week or so.
I did an expensive First response test 12DPO and got a negative, got all upset only to get a positive 3 days later! Grrrrr :x
hope you get BFP's girls! how did you get on this morning Sami?
Yes Sami, have you tested?

Good luck for BFPs later in the week ladies :D
Hello sorry bit delayed this morning! :doh:
Got a BFN as pretty much expected! Going to do one every morning now though, (peesticakholic). I'm absolutely shattered the last couple of days for no reason, not even Damien is a good excuse for it. We shall see!
Actually I must admit I did a test yesterday afternoon cause I though I had had an implantation dip, but got BFN, so Im just as bad. :oops:
Emma22 said:
hope you get BFP's girls! how did you get on this morning Sami?

Ahem...MY TOPIC!! grrr!
Doesnt anyone care about ME?? :cry: :shakehead: :lol:
Talk about steal my thunder biatch sami!! :lol:
I got bfn too but hey ho...told u it was too early woman!! :evil:
GRRR!!!! Damn peesticks!!!!
10dpo 2mo so hope my 10miu will catch it!!
:pray: 4 me!!
All right moody pants! :rotfl:

I care you got bfn, but you told me it was too early to test, so lets keep hoping babe! xx :hug:
fingers crossed for all 3 of you. :pray:

hope you get your BFP in a couple of days


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