It's quite an anxious time really when it should be exciting and chilled.
I thought I had some early symptoms....erect tender nipples, occasionally tender boobs, very bloated, few pulls and twinges, creamy mucus/discharge and very tired. Now I don't really have anything so don't know if that's a bad sign or, I made the symptoms up!!
I'm 5+4 today. Had no bleeding and no reason to worry I guess but it's so tormenting.
I just want physical signs to validate it and so I know everything is okay.
Caved and did a 2nd test today. Another Clear Blue Digital Weeks Indicator and it still said pregnant 3+ weeks.
I think I might invest in a digi test, at least I'd have the progression from 1-2 weeks to 3+ weeks!
I went to the doctors today, for the second time their tests where negative

so I've had bloods drawn should get the results on Monday.
I just wish there was a definitive way of knowing whether or not the pregnancy will progress all the way. I'm not asking for much lol
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