When will pregnancy symptoms start?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
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Hi all, I'm about 4wks 3 days and wondering when pregnancy symptoms will start. So far I have nothing apart from the odd aching downstairs...

I so hope I get some strong symptoms soon :(

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Not everybody gets symptoms, some ladies get none whatsoever!
If you're going to get any I'd say they'd start in the next couple of weeks.
Tiredness, sore boobs & nausea are fairly common along with cramping.
Id say mine started around week 6! I thought I had been one of the lucky ones (not having morning sickness) then it hit me, also tiredness and really heavy sore boobs!
I’m currently 11 weeks 3 days. Had very few symptoms. Boobs and bloating around week 6/7 and when I brush my teeth in a morning it sometimes makes me heave but not throw up. That’s it. I sort of feel like I’ve missed out - and every mother I know hates me!!!
I was wondering the exact same thing. I’m also 4 weeks and 4 days so very close to you. We can wait, wonder and hope together that these symptoms start, although maybe we should be grateful for now they’re not strong! Haha
Sfj, enjoy the feeling of normal, just incase you get any symptoms! <3
I should be thankful I suppose, just feel like symptoms would cement the fact that I'm pregnant. With my last pregnancy, I breezed through to 10 wks with no symptoms, thought I'd got away with it but ended in a mmc... So this time I want to see them thick and fast!
I started with the tiredness for the past week or so, I'm 5+4 today. Sore, heavy boobs started last weekend and have continued since.
I was just looking back at my daily updates and my symptoms started at 5w +4 days. 12w+2 and still bad with sickness! Xx
I should be thankful I suppose, just feel like symptoms would cement the fact that I'm pregnant. With my last pregnancy, I breezed through to 10 wks with no symptoms, thought I'd got away with it but ended in a mmc... So this time I want to see them thick and fast!
I&#8217;m the same that I feel like I need symptoms to confirm the pregnancy to me haha. I&#8217;m a first time Mummy so it&#8217;s all new and exciting. It all I can think about at the moment. Can&#8217;t concentrate on work because I&#8217;m too excited!
It's quite an anxious time really when it should be exciting and chilled.

I thought I had some early symptoms....erect tender nipples, occasionally tender boobs, very bloated, few pulls and twinges, creamy mucus/discharge and very tired. Now I don't really have anything so don't know if that's a bad sign or, I made the symptoms up!!

I'm 5+4 today. Had no bleeding and no reason to worry I guess but it's so tormenting.

I just want physical signs to validate it and so I know everything is okay.

Caved and did a 2nd test today. Another Clear Blue Digital Weeks Indicator and it still said pregnant 3+ weeks.

I was worried as had none but 5 weeks bam! Boobs were agony even the shower on them, tiredness and sickness (which is still going now at 14 weeks sorry to say). Funny how everyone is so different isn't it xx
It's quite an anxious time really when it should be exciting and chilled.

I thought I had some early symptoms....erect tender nipples, occasionally tender boobs, very bloated, few pulls and twinges, creamy mucus/discharge and very tired. Now I don't really have anything so don't know if that's a bad sign or, I made the symptoms up!!

I'm 5+4 today. Had no bleeding and no reason to worry I guess but it's so tormenting.

I just want physical signs to validate it and so I know everything is okay.

Caved and did a 2nd test today. Another Clear Blue Digital Weeks Indicator and it still said pregnant 3+ weeks.

I think I might invest in a digi test, at least I'd have the progression from 1-2 weeks to 3+ weeks!

I went to the doctors today, for the second time their tests where negative :( so I've had bloods drawn should get the results on Monday.

I just wish there was a definitive way of knowing whether or not the pregnancy will progress all the way. I'm not asking for much lol

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It's quite an anxious time really when it should be exciting and chilled.

I thought I had some early symptoms....erect tender nipples, occasionally tender boobs, very bloated, few pulls and twinges, creamy mucus/discharge and very tired. Now I don't really have anything so don't know if that's a bad sign or, I made the symptoms up!!

I'm 5+4 today. Had no bleeding and no reason to worry I guess but it's so tormenting.

I just want physical signs to validate it and so I know everything is okay.

Caved and did a 2nd test today. Another Clear Blue Digital Weeks Indicator and it still said pregnant 3+ weeks.

I think I might invest in a digi test, at least I'd have the progression from 1-2 weeks to 3+ weeks!

I went to the doctors today, for the second time their tests where negative :( so I've had bloods drawn should get the results on Monday.

I just wish there was a definitive way of knowing whether or not the pregnancy will progress all the way. I'm not asking for much lol

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What tests have you done at home? It's baffling how home tests can be positive and then doctor's tests negative. I'm quite nervous about my GP appointment tomorrow in case they say I'm not...but I've no sign of AF and she was due 9th July so goodness knows what's going on if my tests haven't been right.
I've done 2 morrisons tests and 2 FRER's, all of which have been positive.

How far along do you think you are? I think your tests will be fine try not to worry.

I've had pregnancy tests done at the doctors before but I was further along if I remember rightly. So maybe there tests just aren't as sensitive as the home tests :/

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Hey baby.3...

I got my results from the GP blood test and it confirmed my pregnancy. I'm 6+1 weeks.

I don't have any symptoms at all really and don't feel pregnant.

I 'think' my breasts are a bit fuller, and I think I'm also a bit bloated but I keep wondering if I'm over analysing for the sake of finding symptoms. I've no sickness, or feeling nauseous and although my nipples seemed to be tender and constantly erect initially, I've not had that for over a week.

I've never had children before so currently feeling really anxious. Despite the GP confirming it, I really do not feel pregnant at all, not even a vibe.
Hi all, I'm about 4wks 3 days and wondering when pregnancy symptoms will start. So far I have nothing apart from the odd aching downstairs...

I so hope I get some strong symptoms soon :(

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Me too! I am 4 weeks and 2 days and I haven't had any symptoms so far except for feeling a little tired and very slight, few and far between abdominal cramps! This is my first pregnancy so I have no idea what to expect! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy :D
Be thankful for no symptoms yet, having vomit come through your nose is not attaractive or pleasant!
Currently 10 weeks pregnant, and my nausea has really rocketed.
Up until 6 weeks I just had a slight feeling of sickness when I ate, wow did that soon change to all day nausea!
Boobs have hurt since I conceived and I have felt a lot of fatigue in the afternoons and more so now that I’m NAPPING! (Never napped in my life)

It feels like I’m constantly hungover :-(
I should be thankful I suppose, just feel like symptoms would cement the fact that I'm pregnant. With my last pregnancy, I breezed through to 10 wks with no symptoms, thought I'd got away with it but ended in a mmc... So this time I want to see them thick and fast!
I’m the same that I feel like I need symptoms to confirm the pregnancy to me haha. I’m a first time Mummy so it’s all new and exciting. It all I can think about at the moment. Can’t concentrate on work because I’m too excited!

Me too! I’m a first time mummy as well and I can’t think straight at work, the day just goes by me in a blur because I’m just thinking about my little poppy seed growing! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy! :D

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