When will my LO start walking?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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My son is 15 months old but for the last 6 months he's been walking along furniture he just won't seem to try and walk on his own!

Any advice?? :wall2:
My first didn't walk til about 19 months!! Lazy or what!!
he'll get there when his ready hun, just keep on encouraging him and hell be walking in no time xx
Haha, mine has been walking along furniture for months and months now and it's only been for the last week or two when he has tried to take a few steps on his own. Today was the first day he actually walked from our kitchen to the living room on his own. But he still prefers to crawl! I went to the doctor's with this as well and she said that some kids like to take longer (especially if they are really good and efficient at crawling, they won't even bother trying to walk) and she also said "Have you seen an adult who is still bum shuffling and crawling? No? So don't worry, he will start walking at some point" :rotfl: She said her friend's (who's also a GP) daughter started walking when she was 2.5 years old!!!!!
So be patient and give it time, they'll come round! ;) x
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Aww and confidence, all of a sudden he will walk across the room when you least expect it :hug:

Jacob is starting to stand a few times a day without support :D getting there.....:D
He'll get There Hun! They all just do it in their own time! Could be worse, katie can't even get off her arse and she's nearly 20 months :rofl:
Tea I know! I don't think she'll ever walk tho, she's too lazy and knuws shuffling works well haha
Hehehe, is she a bum shuffler then? :) I find it so funny to see, its cute! Lol
Grace was 18 months before she walked, although she would happily walk holding hands etc before that for many months. The day we moved into our new house she stood up out of her chair and just bold as brass walked across the room!!!
Yea she's always been a bum shuffler! Am fibdin it dead weird now ellas starting to crawl! She's proper rapid shuffling tho, she'd beat any crawler in a race! And she's not reached top speed again yet!
Me said:
Yea she's always been a bum shuffler! Am fibdin it dead weird now ellas starting to crawl! She's proper rapid shuffling tho, she'd beat any crawler in a race! And she's not reached top speed again yet!
So their sort of at the same stage?? Must have your hands full!!
Yea they're practically at the same stage! Cept ellas not properly crawling! She slithers bloody fast tho! They're both about to start pulling them selves up too! I think katie will start walking first tho cos she's got more cognitive ability! Will be weird if ella does tho!
Me said:
Yea they're practically at the same stage! Cept ellas not properly crawling! She slithers bloody fast tho! They're both about to start pulling them selves up too! I think katie will start walking first tho cos she's got more cognitive ability! Will be weird if ella does tho!
Ahh gonna have your hands full lol will be easier when one starts to walk though

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