When will I know I'm ready?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2010
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Hi everyone I was just wondering if anyone has any advice pls.

I lost my daughter in November (she was stillborn at 35wks) & though I'm still struggling to come to terms with what happened, & recovering from the c-section, all I can think about is ttc again asap. My dr has told me I need to wait 6months to allow my body enough time to heal but how will I know I'm ready emotionally? Obviously theres no guideline for this so I'm unsure of how I'll know its ok. People say 'you just know' :wall2:

I've read that people have caught again soon after & when their baby was born it brought back all the grief of the baby they lost. I just want to make sure that I'm emotionally ready so I can be the best mummy when its my time :dance:
I have no advice sorry but just wanted to give you a :hugs: after what you have been through. Stay strong x
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I'm so sorry about your daughter. I don't really know how to answer as to "when" YOU will be ready, but I will tell you I remember CLEARLY when I was five years old and my Mom had a 39 week old stillborn baby girl. I do remember my Mom being very upset and crying a lot around that time, (I remember crying a lot but I didn't really understand the "baby" thing, I just cried because my Mom was crying!) but they did NOT wait to TTC - and had another baby girl the same month of the next year. I don't recall at ALL that having my sister brought up any new feelings of grief, it seemed more healing to them than anything. And while we still miss and talk about Rebecca, we also realize that we would likely not have Amanda in our lives if things didn't happen the way they did. Again, I'm very sorry for what you have been through. And if you are feeling as ready as you sound in your post, then you probably truly are.
I knew i was ready a month after my son was stillborn but im not sure why i felt that way.
I look at Tyler and there are time when i think i wonder if your brother would look like you.
I feel so lucky to have him and my angel Liam.
My sister had a stillbirth at 40 weeks, 24 years ago and she never felt ready to have another baby.
hi hunni i agree with the ladies only you will know when you feel ready.. Some people dont want another baby and others want to try soon after they lost their baby. I have read stories about woman getting pregnant so soon after their loss and it helped them cope. I was advised my my doctor and counsellor to not give up. I dont think there is a to soon time because the way i look at is i will always grieve for my baby boy. Big :hugs:xxx
Thank you all so much, I know it was abit of an odd question but thought i'd ask :) I think that ttc as soon as physically well enough will help as the 'need' & 'want' to be a mum is stronger than ever xxx

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