When we were kids............


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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We can post all random stuff about stupid things we used to do and games we used to play etc. when we were kids.

When I was a kid.........

I was a real tomboy. When I was about 4 I used to beg my mom to cut my hair short like my brothers but she never would, she would tie it up in bunches with ribbons and I used to HATE it.

One day I took a pair of scissors and cut ONE of my bunches off.

I was a tomboy too :D

My mum had to go into hospital when I was about 4, so dad had me for two weeks. He let me help him with the stock cars in my best clothes and took me to visit mum in my scruffs. Fed me on Weetabix, Ready Brek and fish and chips for two weeks. My daily bath was under the hose pipe while doing the cars. I slept where I fell. He forgot to take me to play group and took me trainspotting instead. I was probably a proper little girly girl until then - he's damaged me for life :lol: , but they're some of my fondest and earliest memories. I think I cut my hair shortly after that, and mum had to shave it into a number 2 before I could visit Santa - she was mortified.

Charlotte cut her hair when she was about 3 - she's still adamant the dog did it :rotfl:
When I was a kid.......

I was one of those nosey eavedroppers who never misses a trick. When I was 5 I informed my headmistress that my mum thought she was 'a bloody nightmare' and my mum had to go to her office and see her after school :oops: She soon learnt to whisper after that, but boy was I in trouble :lol:
Minxy said:
When I was a kid.......

I was one of those nosey eavedroppers who never misses a trick. When I was 5 I informed my headmistress that my mum thought she was 'a bloody nightmare' and my mum had to go to her office and see her after school :oops: She soon learnt to whisper after that, but boy was I in trouble :lol:

Hahaha! Excellent!
I need to be a bit more careful when I talk about Mason's teacher I think :shock:
when i was a kid.........

i had my own personal bubble which only my mom could enter. on ym first day of school, the head mistress went to coo over my dress and mom told her not to get too close. she didnt listen and i started propelling my arms. needless to say i ended up hitting her on the nose and making her nose bleed :lol:
when i was a kid ........

i was damien in a dress, i used to make a mess and blame it on frazer. i also came downstairs ith bite marks on my arm and showed my mum, when she asked who did it i blamed frazer ...

frazer was at nursery! :shock:
i've got two sisters and a brother, mum had all of us within 4 years so we were pretty close..

we used to make up games...my least favorite was called 'beatings in the dark' and basically involved beating each other up with pillows in the dark....also used to play a game called man mountain, by gettting under mum and dads duvet standing up shouting man mountain then jumping on them....usually landing on me dads nads...he must of loved that!
i am the eldest of 5, when i was about 9 i used to teach them swear words.

i was a nasty big sister too. my little sister and i shared a room, she always wanted to play games at night so i used to play a game called who can stay the quietest for the longest. :lol: ild wake in the morning and she would be like "i won didnt I?"
and ild always make them do things for me by saying "Jade i bet you cant go and get me a drink bnefore i count to 10" and she would peg it of to get me a drink in 10 seconds :oops:
dionne said:
i am the eldest of 5, when i was about 9 i used to teach them swear words.

i was a nasty big sister too. my little sister and i shared a room, she always wanted to play games at night so i used to play a game called who can stay the quietest for the longest. :lol: ild wake in the morning and she would be like "i won didnt I?"
and ild always make them do things for me by saying "Jade i bet you cant go and get me a drink bnefore i count to 10" and she would peg it of to get me a drink in 10 seconds :oops:

:rotfl: love it
I had a complete fit because I was made to wear a skirt and was dragged screaming all the way to school :lol: I'm still like that now (minus the tantrums) and despise skirts. Dont mind dresses but usually in trousers.

I used to climb everything and jumped off this ledge in betws-y-coed once which had a 100ft drop literally a foot away from where I landed. My dad had to inch down and rescue me and I got a hiding. I did the same at conway castle and the top of snowdon and would climb the walls of the castle and walk round the edge whilst my mother was having silent heart failure. I'm terrified of heights now :lol:
When i was about 6 i found some mushrooms growing in the bottom of my garden. I invited all my friends round for a tea party!! You guessed it. I made them eat the mushrooms and they all got bad tumms. I didnt eat any because i didnt like mushrooms :rotfl: :rotfl:

All the other mums went mad at my mum :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
when i was a kid i was in a different world alltogether all of my teachers desribed me as ditzy or scatter brained i was always pretending to be a mermaid or pippy long stockings some charector from a book or movie and always had my head in a book i used to carry one everywhere with me, i was also very bossy i think probably got it from my mum and bossed my little brother around a lot not that he listened,
I was much the same had my own little world, which meant i was a bit of a loner. I had numerous imaginary friends all of which were animals generally tigers or lions : GB & BG, cheeta, clarence the lion, superwolf, seawolf, airwolf.
If we had to write stories at school they always contained a lion or tiger somewhere! and when i grew up i wanted to be a lion tamer
:rotfl: :oops:
Well i became a vet nurse so not far off :rotfl:
When i was 6 i stopped believing in santa because i was in hospital with severe tonsilitus(sp) and santa came to visit. i had short hair and he said "and what do you want for xmas, SON"!!!!! despite the fact my name was in huge writing above my bed with the words FEMALE underneath. i knew he was a phoney cus the real santa would have known!! LOL it really spoilt my xmas. xxxxx
haha what an excellent thread!

I was the eldest of 3 girls and oh my was I bossy, we would play make beleive games and it would consist of me directing them both and telling them what to say like "and then you said this and then you said that so I had to hit you" lol

I got a book of practical jokes when I was about 7 and would spend hours setting up booby traps in the bedroom, apple pie beds, and then we watched the elephant man which scared the life out of my little sister so I got my tape recorder - the old kind where you could press record and play and record voice but if you depressed the pause button half way it sped the tape up and anything you recorded came out really slow. I taped myself like this saying "my name is john merrick, I am the elephant man" doing my best impression about half way through a blank tape, put the player under her bed and pressed play just as she was coming up. Just as she was nodding off the recording I made started playing and she was hysterical with fear :oops: She still has nightmares about the elephant man and always tells me off about it when I see her!
I was a complete tomboy too, i used to build tree houses and we would go into the woods and there was a fence that was the garden part of nottcutts so when it was closed we got wire cutters and stole loads of wood for our tree house :oops:

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