What were you like as a kid?

urchin said:
K X said:
Ok I played with Barbies until 12,


I was a moody miserable "rocker" at 12 after I decided I fancied Axl Rose. :lol:

nah, Slash was the one. I wore black t-shirt under my school shirt and nicked my dad's bootlaces to tie round my wrist :rotfl:
I was a good girl. I have 6 older brothers, so I couldn't avoid NOT being a tomboy! Climb trees, looked for snakes, firing airguns, etc!!
I did have one dolly... my mum used to make a new outfit for it every Christmas... I played with it until I was 14!!!!! :shock: (Only got my period at 15)

My mother refused to allow me to wear jeans - I was 16 before I got my first pair!!! She loved having me dressed in "House on the Prairie" crap!

Ok ... I admit it..... I'm psycologically scarred!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Emilia xx

ps. I was a pro at driving home made go-carts!!
Wobbles said:
Oh I loved them

oh i do love youe excited smilie wobbles!!!!
I played with sylvanian families til I was 13, then when I turned 14 I discovered alcohol, so pub was in and dolls were out!
beanie said:
urchin said:
K X said:
Ok I played with Barbies until 12,


I was a moody miserable "rocker" at 12 after I decided I fancied Axl Rose. :lol:

nah, Slash was the one.

:shock: Did you ever see that video of them playing live where he was so trashed he puked up over himself during the guitar solo and had to carry on playing? I'll take Axl thanks :talkhand:
budge said:
no. i hated weebles.
they were little people. ill find a picture.

I had this and I LOVED it, see the little phone box? Ahhhhh brings back memories!

I hated being a girl! i wanted to be a boy! used to shove socks down my knickers to see what being a boy would look like! :oops: (deranged i know!)
I was a right tom boy playing with action force and start wars, but i also had barbie/sindy and a big sindy house! ooh also had He-man figures!!
I was very shy and very unconfident (due to bullying) and an only child.

One teacher told my dad I was 'slow' and should be going to a special school!! - umm think dad was barred from going to teacher evening after that by my mum coz he wasn't very complimentary to the teacher in question!
I had He-Man figures too! I had a Cringer/Battlecat one that I took everywhere! :oops:
I was a little sod!!! Always up trees, cried my eyes out when forced to wear a dress, said to the headmistress on first day at school "Did you know you had dog shit on the path?" (My mother nearly died!)
I was hyperactive and still am sometimes now, hated barbies and had 6 million dollar man and zorro instead. They gave me a pram, I took the carrycot off and put the frame down and used it as a go kart instead.

I used to climb anything and remember my father having to edge down a cliff to retrieve me and walking along a castle wall whilst my mother freaked out.

I was also in nappies until I was 12, Ive no idea why! They were mingin terry towelling ones with rubber knickers :rotfl:

Folks got me into lots of sports activities to calm me down, I was a sprinter, played footie a lot and won trophies for sport. (Couldnt run for a bus now :D ) Then I got into Ju Jitsu to "channel" the aggression and got my ass kicked coz I was 5ft 1 and 7 stone :D
I was a nightmare, until the age of about 5 I used to follow my mum to the toilet :oops: I just wouldn't leave her alone.

Then at about 6 I shared a room with my sister (18months younger) and decided she needed a haircut...then hid the hair under her pillow so she would get the blame.
I used to get a chair and reach up to the top kitchen cupboard to my mums stash of chocolate that we weren't allowed and I'd eat them and put the wrappers under my sisters bed.

Then a few years later I was playing darts with my sister (mum and dad didn't know) and she held the board and I threw the darts at her...she moved and ended up with a dart in her back :rotfl:

Then as a teenager I was a monster, used to argue over the slightest things and stomp around and slam doors and refuse to go to bed. I got more smacks than enough.

I could go on :twisted:

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