I was a little sod!!! Always up trees, cried my eyes out when forced to wear a dress, said to the headmistress on first day at school "Did you know you had dog shit on the path?" (My mother nearly died!)
I was hyperactive and still am sometimes now, hated barbies and had 6 million dollar man and zorro instead. They gave me a pram, I took the carrycot off and put the frame down and used it as a go kart instead.
I used to climb anything and remember my father having to edge down a cliff to retrieve me and walking along a castle wall whilst my mother freaked out.
I was also in nappies until I was 12, Ive no idea why! They were mingin terry towelling ones with rubber knickers
Folks got me into lots of sports activities to calm me down, I was a sprinter, played footie a lot and won trophies for sport. (Couldnt run for a bus now

) Then I got into Ju Jitsu to "channel" the aggression and got my ass kicked coz I was 5ft 1 and 7 stone