When to start weaning.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2007
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When can you start weaning?
Books say 6 months
My hv and family say 17 weeks.
I'm confused :?
Six months is the general rule, but seventeen weeks is the earliest recommended. Having said that, I have started at twelve weeks with the blessing of peadiatrician. She prefers to start weaning than to go to formula, and I have to start work when Anais turns sixteen weeks, so need to start with purees now.

depends when your bub is ready. I got alice to 6 months, but my hv said that most mums have to give food earlier.

ive found it easier getting to 6 months as i don't have to worry about what alice eats so much. Before 6 months there is a list of things to avoid.

my hv said signs of needing to ween are things like waking at night again for milk, drinking LOADS more milk. taking an intrest in you eating, things like that.
I waited until Jake was 5 1/2 months old. I would wait as long as possible but wean when you feel your LO is ready.
I weaned at 17 weeks but because D was getting hungrier feeding all the time waking more in the night..He showed all the signs of needing more..If your LO isn't showing signs then wait..I would of waited if D wasn't wanting food
Isaac is showing all the signs so we started last week properly, as before that he wasn't interested. He's now had apple and pear and seemed to enjoy both, I think if your LO wasn't ready he'd reject the food, but get advice from your HV or from here if you're concerned about anything :hug:

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