When to give up work


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi all

I have to write to my employer now stating when I intend to commence maternity leave. The only problem is I feel absolutely fine at the moment and feel as though I could work until I go into labour!! I have no idea how I'll be feeling closer to the due date.

When do people normally work until? I live around 25 miles from work and have to drive up/down the M3 every day to get to work, but other than that I have a desk job - in my mind I may as well be sitting down at work as be fed up at home.

I'm thinking I'd like to work to 38 weeks but am worried that is a bit ambitious.

What are you all doing / what have you done in the past?

If you want to change your leave date after you've told your employer you're entitled to if you give them 28 days notice. So you could always bring your date forward if you start feeling really fed up of working :)

I'm still signed off, so can't really help you other than that :D
im on my feet all day and really feeling the presure now so im taking mine as early as poss and also i got loads of bad stuff going on at work my last day is the 6th august :D
I was thinkin i was gonna wrk till about a mth b4 i was due so bout 36 weeks, that meant that i would be finished jus before christmas, cos i dnt wanna wrk over crinbo this year i havent had christmas off in three years nearly. And i mean i wrked all the way thro including chrismas day and all thro new year. It sucks so def plan on leavin b4 crimbo. Even tho i cant get drunk t his year and do my traditionall get ddrunk at every min ur not wrk thing, lol. hehehe the cocktail competions are always the best.

bec x x x :lol: :lol:
I am so stressed out at work I'd stop at the earliest opportunity if I could afford to take a year off. :(

also i got loads of bad stuff going on at work my last day is the 6th august

What's going on at your work Zor-El?
Well I am due on the 28th Jan and have decided to finish the day before Xmas Eve when everyone else in the office finishes which gives me five weeks.

But as an extra bonus I am saving some of my annual leave so that I can take some long weekends during december, so that I only have to do three day weeks. The thought of veing able to do that is rkeeping me going and my boss has already agreed it! :D :!: :D :D

So the last five day week I will have to do is nine weeks before the birth which suits me just fine I think.

This is my plan so far
My plan is to ask my boss if I can work from home 1/2 days a week from 36 weeks then take my actual maternity from 38 weeks. I have a hour commute on the tube and train in the morning and evening, the last thing I want is to go into labour on the underground! Plus the thought of all the additional people comming in to London for the Xmas shopping is really giving me the fear!

Well im due 25th November and working til 11th November, althougth a little worried as i get the bus to and from work as i work in the lanes of brighton!! Would rather be at work instead of sitting at home waiting for something to happen!! Just hopping my baby doesnt decided to come when im on the bus,!

Natalie x
one of the other managers is being a pain in the butt ive taken out a greivence but nothings happend so im happy just to get out early lol :D
I have a very tiring job, as I am on my feet all the time constantly having to bend down. I am worried about giving notice about maternity leave as I have just started this new job, I will also not be getting any maternity pay, so that's a worry too, I think I will probably try and work up to 34 weeks, but what happens if I plan to work upto 34 weeks but than find it is getting too much for me, can I than bring my date forward or will I still have ti give 28 days notice.
Please advice!
I think I will be able to swing working from home 1-2 days a week towards the end which will help enormously. Otherwise I could go P/T but I'm worried that will reduce my average earnings on which my pay for the first 6 weeks will be based...

I have a hour commute on the tube and train in the morning and evening, the last thing I want is to go into labour on the underground!

Do you find people give up their seats for you now you're pregnant Zo?

New mum 2 be - you have the same concerns as me! I'm wondering if you are signed off work close to the end of your pregnancy whether you have to start your maternity leave early. I thought I read that somewhere but can't find it now. Does anyone else know? What I was thinking was if I can't make it to the 38 weeks, then maybe I could see my GP and get her to sign me off so I could start my maternity leave early.
Hi LB, no noone is giving up their seat to me. I think I look obviously pregnant now but my work colleagues beg to differ. According to them I just look like I've got a bit of a pot belly. I'm hoping that in a few weeks time it will be more obvious but accordinly to lots other people I know who've been preggers, no one gives up their seat anyway. I find this astonishing. Apparently men are the worst culprits as they are scared of getting it wrong and being whacked round the head with a handbag for infering a lady may be on the large side!

That would be quite a sight - I fancy doing that anyway!!

There will definitely be a time when you'll look unmistakeably pregnant even to the most ignorant of commuters. I was just wondering if you're finding you can get a seat as normally whenever I've commuted into London I've had to stand up all the way (and people refuse to look you in the eye!).

Now I'm pregnant I'm glad I don't commute on a train any more as to be honest I'd quite like a seat sometimes. Sorry - I'm all for women's rights, but I wouldn't be in the slightest bit offended if someone opened a door or gave up their seat for me!!
I am due 15th Jan and wanted to finish when everyone finishes for christmas, BUT.. when having Amy i suffered blood pressure problems from 35 weeks, so my midwife had advised me to finish earlier incase i am in and out of hospital again.

i would get more rest being at work, i dont know what to do :(
I am due 15 Jan too and was going to do exactly the same, work up to Xmas, as I get 2 weeks off for that anyway, then start my maternity leave when I would be due back at work in Jan. However, I don't know how I will feel by then, but I want as much time with the baby as possible, which means starting maternity leave later.

I'd say do what you feel more comfortable with, it's your choice.

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