When should I start worrying about not gaining weight?


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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I weigh about the same, maybe even 0.5-1lbs less now than when I met my midwife in week 8. I have an average BMI so I should gain about 25-35lbs, and currently I should put on about 1lbs a week from what I understand, but I'm actually not putting on anything at all, and I'm getting thinner! (Not my belly, but arms, legs, face, hands(wedding ring is looser))

Currently I'm 15.6 weeks.

I asked an online midwife chat person around week 12 because I hadn't gained any weight due to morning sickness (sick 2-5 times a day on average), and she said that was ok, as long as I made up for it later, but now I'm 15 weeks, mostly over my morning sickness (sick 2-5 times a week), but still not gaining.

My husband has even noticed that my legs are a bit slimmer, and that does worry us a bit (so strange to be worried about getting thinner!). We still find comfort in this though since that should mean that the baby is growing (and uterus etc) since my weight is the same but I'm getting thinner. If my weight was the same and I was the same that would be more worrying I think..

Anyway, I'm still a bit worried. Should I "force" myself to eat more, or is it still safe to just wait a little longer and then see if I start gaining soon? How long can I go before it becomes a problem?

(I'm very surprised at this really because I normally struggle to keep my weight down... I guess I burn more due to the baby, and also I have less of a sweet tooth now than before, so I guess that that means I get a lot less kcal even if I eat more (although I don't really know if I'm eating more... just kind of feels like it since I have a bit less of an appetite.. should I start making a food journal??)

Sorry about all the text! I just can't let go of this worry...

I'm also worrying if I'm sabotaging for myself somehow by letting the lack of apetite control me more than it should because I also do worry about getting too big.. what if I'm actually making myself not eat enough "on purpose" while at the same time worrying I'm not putting on enough?? :S
Hi hunni personally i wouldnt worry to much about it i lost weight with both pregnancies too with dd1 it was mainly the bad sickness

Personally as long as your eating and you feel ok in yourself try not to worry to much, if your concerned just have a word with your mw xxxxx
I wouldnt worry. I asked my midwife at my 25 wk apt about weight gain. She said as long as baby measures fine at the appointments, they arent concerned about the mothers weight. They will only worry if ur bump/baby is too small or too large for the stage you are at.
I wouldn't worry hun, I know someone who literally didn't gain a pound in her whole pregnancy ad baby was fine! Enjoy it whilst it lasts!
Oh jealous!!! Enjoy it, maybe you are just one of the lucky ones lol x
alright! Thanks I'll try not to worry and just make sure I try to eat healthy! :)
(still going to worry.. :p But probably a bit less now!)

Hopefully my midwife will be happy with my bump when I see her in a couple of weeks :p
yeah.. I haven't asked before because I feel kind of stupid worrying about it, and I know if I was gaining weight and someone else asked about this I'd be jealous, but now I just can't help but worry!

It probably won't last that long though :p In the first month before my morning sickness I gained about 2-3 lbs when I should basically not have gained anything! (all lost with being sick though)
I'm almost 14 weeks, and I've lost about half a stone since I got pregnant. My midwife isn't concerned at all as baby seems to be fine. I think you should just count yourself lucky. ^_^ xx
I haven't gained any weight either yet, but I'm figuring that the baby takes what it need and that my body will regulate this. Baby was fine and measurements ok at 12 Weeks scan:)

I'm sure you will be fine!!

im loosing weight at the min, have put on a couple of pounds but cant seem to put much on. Got told that I will pile on the pounds towards the end as im loosing from my legs and hips but bump is kinda growing but not that much!!

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