when should i go to the docs?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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I will be 7 weeks sunday I have rang and booked my first anti natel app for mon 16th ill be 8+1 but hubby keeps saying go now go now

i am thinking that the extra couple weeks will be better because a frind went as soon as she found out and the dr said a midwife would be in touch in a couple weeks or so when she was about 8 weeks so i am thinking if i go when i am 8 weeks he can send an app sooner lol

pluss it not being confirmed by a dr is making it easyer to keep stum about it if that makes senc lol

when did you go to docs? am i being silly and should i go now?

thank you ladies x
forgot to say I have started taking folic acid and iron tablets ( every pregnancy has resulted in the horrid irin injections because my iron levels get so low so trying to avoid it this time x
My friend's doctor asked what pregnancy test she had used and when she told him Clear Blue, he took that as confirmation and didn't do anything else. I was still in shock and asked for a blood test to confirm. So really, I think it's up to your doctor and the type of test whether they'll confirm it anyway or just take your word for it. So it's up to you whether you want to see the doctor or not.
I would wait until 8 weeks for your booking appointment. I accidentally went in too early because the receptionist at the doctors told me to make an appointment with the midwife. When I got there, she just said that I was a few weeks early and to go back when I was 8 weeks.
Good luck! :)
Hi there, i went for my first appt at 8+4 as my mw wont see you before. I went to my dcs about 6 weeks but all they did was gave me the number for my local mw so i didnt actually see a dr. So in my area that time is normal. xxx
I went to my gp at 5 weeks just to get it confirmed (because of the previous chemical) he asked a few question about bleeding and dates etc. I took in 3 +ive tests and that was all he needed for confirmation as I had done those on different days and had missed a period just. He told me to make an appointment to see the mw at 10 weeks so August 7th is my booking in date. Dreading any blood tests as I hate needles! (I need to get used to them I think hehe)
I saw GP at 5w 5d and had my booking appointment at 8w 1d

thankyou ladies x ill keep my app for the 16th xx
I phoned my Dr a couple of day after my BFP.

They didn't want to see me then. Just made my booking in appt for 8+6. :)

20 days to go. Lol.
I saw my doctor at 5 weeks to have it all confirmed and booking appointment at 8 weeks xxxx
I didnt see my doctor at all - just referred myself to midwife and saw her at 9+6, although I did have a bleed at 7weeks and phoned my GP whom referred me to EPU and was seen there next day. Ive got my 12 week scan on Thursday!

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