When poas


Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2010
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With the measuring limit do you let it run up pink or does that mean you have gone over.. Like the wee has gone up the stick. I never know if I've left it in pee for too long or when its not gone pink If it's long enough.

I probably make no sense lol sorry to who ever has to answer it ha X
ha ha ha sorry what does poas mean? pee on a stick?
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Yea lol yeh it's about 10-20 secs but when it gets dipped in you see the pee go up the stick, like an evap Line but not a line the whole thing? X
I think if you left it in there for like minutes that would be too long, yes I can see the wee travel up the stick so I tend to wait til thats fully absorbed and then take it out generally 20 seconds. Is that the answer you were wanting or am I confused? Sorry Im a bit slow today did a long run and my LO been up since 5.30am!!! Its nearly his bed time phew, I got through the day and my OH has been at work and due back late? x
My tests say to dip for 10 seconds, but if you don't want to time it just wait until you see the pink dye start to appear.

As soon as you see the pink dye, take it out of the pee and the dye will continue along the test area.

If you keep it in the pee until after the dye has crossed the test area, you will over saturate the test and you might end up with a false positive.
Yeah that's what I ment haha lol got there in the end. It was me I couldn't explain it properly!

Thanks girls x

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