Don't get too disheartened!
Some people just take a little longer, all of our bodies are unique...
I just read that you're a little synical about the medicine and you're unsure about charting...
You can usually buy a ferility charting kit from Boots or a cheaper one from e bay...
here's a link I've found for you which is for sale at the mo.. ... dZViewItem
As for the med... it is a good way to help your cm.
Your cm is a crucial element in helping the little spermies to get to your egg.
It isn't so much the actual med but the ingredient, guafenesin which is in it.
We just use the cough med as it has a high concentration of this ingredient in a cheap easy accessible form.
I was a little synical but I then purchased the fertility book by Toni Weschler which is mentioned at the top of this section and she actually recommends taking guafenesin as it is proven to help conception.
Sorry post is so long but hope it help and good luck