when is best


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
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when is the best time to put babies in there own room?

when i had my first ds i was in a 1 bedroom flat. but when we moved he was nearly 2 and i struggled so much to get him in his own room.
when i had 2nd ds i was in a 3 bedroom flat and i put him in his own room from about 3 months.

when midwife was out for my booking she said that we are not adviced to put them in there own rooms till they are 6 month. i have never been told this before. i know your not supposed to start weaning them till 6 month but i always thought they could go in there own rooms whenever you felt comfortable
ffion was 9 weeks
rhys is nearly 3... we're working on it :rofl:
I moved Hebe bang on 6 months. She's a very easy baby though so I think I could have got her in there sooner but I was being a wuss!
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i know how you feel that why i put ds2 in room when he was baby so i didn t have probs like i did with ds1.

i mean my ds1 is 11 and sometimes he still gets up and wants to come into my room i always have to be near him when he goes to sleep as long as he can see or here me.

but when he at his dads he is in own room and is fine and his dad doesn t have to be in room with him i think its a bit strange he can do it one place and not the other
we moved maddi in at 6.5months, by this time she was wedged in her moses basket :lol: like hebe, maddi is really a dream baby and the move was fine, worse for us than her actually :rofl:
I didnt sleep properly for a week! :lol: Jumping up when I hadnt heard her on the monitor for a few mins! :lol:
i moved katie at about 8-9 months! only because OH never got round to doing the nursery til then. i'd have moved her earlier if the room was ready. this one it all depends on when i get my own place, i did say before tho it would be when she started sleeping thru properly
we moved jacob at 3 months, he was in a moses basket in our room but he is quite long and out grew his moses basket so we just put him in his cot in his own room. he was fine.
We moved jack at 5 months I went back to work and was distisburbing him every morning. I still keep the monitor on thou. It was a relief to be able to get in my side of the bed without crawling up from the bottom :)
My sister moved my nephew in at 4months.. I do think its a personal choice though.. More so when you feel ready x
Chloe was 5mths and Charlotte 3mths, we were disturbing her when we went to bed so just went for it x

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