When is best to have 3d/4d scan?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2010
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How many weeks do you think is best to get a 3d/4d scan?

I've read that if you get them too early baby is not filled out enough and if you get them too late they're a bit squashed in! Lol.

Thanks for your help.

we got told between 25 and 29 weeks and we have ours booked in for 27 weeks!! Excited!!
I'm booking mine for 26weeks, but i read 25-29 weeks is best, as fat has started forming and not too squashed. x
I had one at 19 weeks - she was very skinny but could still see everything and another at 30 weeks - was amazing, could see everything even her little eye lashes! enjoy, its such a lovely thing xx
The website i was gonna book mine on says 23-26. xxx
Thanks everyone. Thinking of booking one on 23rd October, I'll be 28 weeks the next day. In saying that, tempted to go earlier!

Omg olive your pg is flying by!!!! X

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Had mine at 27+3 and it was amazing. Stlll plenty of room for Bubs to move around so it didnt look squashed. That also means if its in a bad position u have a good chance of making it move into a good one by giving ur tummy a poke ;-)
They often say go around 26-28 weeks so you have time to go back if baby being naughty. We've been twice 27 & 30 weeks with no luck, baby really don't want us to see it's face! We're having one last ditch attempt but I very much doubt we'll see it's face now either so late on! Oh well not long until we see it in the flesh now!
Omg olive your pg is flying by!!!! X

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:hug: sometimes I think so and others not so sure! Loving it though.

Hope you're getting on ok hun.


They often say go around 26-28 weeks so you have time to go back if baby being naughty. We've been twice 27 & 30 weeks with no luck, baby really don't want us to see it's face! We're having one last ditch attempt but I very much doubt we'll see it's face now either so late on! Oh well not long until we see it in the flesh now!

I've heard of this happening. Fingers crossed next time no hiding! Xxx

I think we're in the minority, most people get lucky! Every single scan I've had this baby has 'played up' one way or another, just hope it's not a hint of whats to come!
Thanks everyone. Thinking of booking one on 23rd October, I'll be 28 weeks the next day. In saying that, tempted to go earlier!


Im due that day! wooo hooo. I had mine at 25 weeks and you could see everything was soooooo amazing.

Thanks everyone. Thinking of booking one on 23rd October, I'll be 28 weeks the next day. In saying that, tempted to go earlier!


That's the day we have ours :dance: I will be 28 weeks 5 days. I spoke to the guy from Window To The Womb and he said the later you leave it, the more features we would get to see. He said around 28 - 30 weeks was perfect but after 30 weeks baby does start to look a bit squashed! I was tempted to go a week or 2 sooner but it was fully booked on the weekends :( I really wanna take our boys, I am trying to involve them as much as I can.

X x x
We had ours at 29+6 and it was amazing! Baby was quite chubby and looked so cute- even opening and closing his eyes, which was a bit scary tbh but it's fine when I watch it back on the dvd......feel like everytime I watch it I c him do something different!.....We went with babybond and they do them up tp 32 weeks......sonographer said it's sometimes nicer to leave it until a bit later as they are more filled out. Whenever you get it done tho am sure it's amazing and so worth the money! Hope yours goes well hun xx
Thanks ladies :) xxxx

Booked with babybond, have scan on 23rd. Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Lilmoomin what time is yours?

Thanks ladies :) xxxx

Booked with babybond, have scan on 23rd. Eeeeeeeeeeeee! Lilmoomin what time is yours?


Even though I answered in your other thread, I'll answer here too lol (don't want people to think i'm ignoring you!)

11.30 :D x x x

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