When/How did you tell your OH's family?

Della Mack

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
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So its a Pos with 3 HPT! So I'm having a flap about whats going on now! I'm having a test at the docs on thursday to confirm. So how did you tell people?

How did you tell your man? I alwasy planned that I would get M a haines manual for babies but I messed it up by telling him I was taking a test!

How did you tell family? Friends? OH family?
i was so excited, i nearly burst!! i phoned my partner at work straight away and he didn't believe me. He thought it would take ages to get pregnant cos i have polycystic ovaries. He was as thrilled as me when he finally believed me.

I then had to phone my mum and tell her cos i couldn't wait. she's my best friend so couldn't keep it a secret.

I let my partner tell his family. (who are also thrilled)
Hi ya,

Congratulations on your news!!

I did a test about 1 hour before my OH was due home from work, we'd had a massive row the night before so weren't even talking!!

I saw him pull up in his car and I went out to see him and just showed him the test!!!! :D
I had already told my hubby I was late, so he asked me when he got home. When I told him it was positive he cried! Aw bless. I've only told my mum and sis apart from that, am quite close to both so promised I would, and told them face to face as thought would be a bit weird on phone! Waiting till after 12 week scan for everyone else. Hubby's got 4 siblings, 3 of whom have kids and didn't tell us till after scan so don't feel so bad! I'm already so fed up with everyone asking how the ttc is going, I didn't want to have the same thing with the pg until we know it's all okay.
We haven't told anyone yet (well apart from my best friend, who gave birth this morning, and knew we'd been trying for a long time)

That being said, I'm not looking forward to telling my in laws as we were visiting at Christmas and my m-i-l was telling us that her friend's daughter thought she was pregnant again at 39 and this was awful because she'd be 40 when the new baby was born. I'm 40 already, and if all goes well this baby will be born the month before I turn 41, so goodness only know what she'll think about that!!
Well as soon as I get in confirmed from the Doctor I think martin and I will have to make a plan of who to tell when and how.

I phoned my mum after the first positive HPT. Its funny how you can move out at 17 and off to uni move in with your chap and see your mum only once a month but as soon as you need someone who would understand what you need to hear.... you call your mum.

I thought about giving the OH's parents a gift that would tell them but i'm stuck for ideas on that front. I think we will wait until we get to at least 10-12 weeks before saying anything....

I just want to shout it to the world.... but still need the docs confirmation.... don't want to ge ahead of myself. :hug:
Wouldn't worry about doc confirming it, if you've done 3 HPTs that's pretty definite! Loads of places the doc doesn't even do another test cos they believe the HPTs. I've never had it confirmed and I only did one test - still considering the possibility that I'll get to my scan and they'll tell me it's all in my head :? So if you want to tell people I'd just go for it if I were you!
Hi Della

I think we are almost at the same stage. As of today I calculate and I am 4 weeks 6 days. I knew I was pregnant about a week ago as this awful back pain started and never went away. I dont think OH was taking it as seriously as me (I suppose you just know your own body!) The first test at the weekend was a faint positive line so that didnt help but did a digi on tuesday night and got a BFP. I've told two friends at work but will prob wait until scan to tell anyone else unless I get really sick that its too obvious not to tell them.

Please no sicknesss...................................
hiya, congratulations! this is my third pregnancy, and has been the most pleasant to tell people about coz it was almost planned (we were gonna TTC very soon, but caught just before schedule! :cheer: )

DF was the first to know. i got up first, did the test, then went and lay down on the bed and he asked what's up and i told him i felt sick. he asked "baby sick?!" and i just said "yip!" lol.

the first time, with my daughter, i found out while i was at my parents and he was at work. me and my little sister were gonna go out clubbing it was when warehouse project was brand new and it was at the old boddingtons brewery, was REALLY looking forward to it! but had a niggling feeling i was, and before i went out and got off my head i wanted to be sure i wasnt first. boy was i shocked when i saw that BFP! of course i had to tell my sis coz i couldnt go out, and i'd burst into tears! my bf went out straight after work and he was blind drunk when i picked him up so i couldnt tell him. then i had work the next day and when i came home he had gone out to work! :lol: i told him after he came home from his work! bloody 36 hours after i found out!

the first and second time my mum didnt react well :(

this time, instead of telling her "i'm pregnant" i told her "we're having a baby" idk if that made the difference? i was pleasantly suprised she just said congratulations :) oh and this time we are engaged, so we're *almost* married, so its ok for us to have a baby! lol.
I got up and done the test before me and OH both went off to work so when I saw the line I walked into the other room and asked him to have a look and tell me if he could see a line (i was 10dpo and didnt think it would show). I went to my mothers on the way to work as I HAD to tell her but we didnt tell his parents until the following weekend as it meant a 200mile trip to tell them in person. Id helped as I got to think of ways to tell them and it was also fathers day weekend when we went so had originally thought of writing it in fathers day card but wanted his mother to know at the same time so we bought forever friends cards that just said 'congratulations' and wrote
'To grandad, cant wait to meet you in February. Love from Baby Emery'
we got to sit back and watch their faces as they realised what they were reading. I must say it was fab but they knew something was up as we got there after his mother had gone to bed so he got her out of bed, got the cards and i sat there with a grin on my face as ian handed them the cards.

I wouldve loved to have done this for my mother but I was sooooooooooo made up getting the result I HAD to see her immediately and she lives between my house and work so it was nothing to go there for 10 minutes on the way to work.

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