when does ur BF-on-demand baby eat most?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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when millie was sleeping thru the nite (gosh, how i miss that!), she used 2 eat loads first thing in the morning, and still quite a bit during the day.
now shes waking lots in the nite for milk but wont take much during the day :wall:
is there any way to encourage her to feed more in the day so hopefully she wont keep me up all nite? i cant force my tits on her can i! lol. but what CAN i do? help please.
Send a day laying on your bed with no top on watching DVD's. Just have Millie laying on your chest and she'll soon be on and off the boobie all day. It might help her to swap back to day time cluster feeding rather than a night time.

nay seems to be doing the same thing. she waking up way to much at night and really going for it on the boob.

she used to sleep though the night too, now she's waking maybe 3 times anight.

i was going to give her baby rice, but the health vistor said NO, she's not ready yo eat and she might choke :shock: she said give her bottled milk, i have and it's still not working.

so i'm going to rid it out until she 6 months, then she can start eating food :D
neeko_1 said:

nay seems to be doing the same thing. she waking up way to much at night and really going for it on the boob.

she used to sleep though the night too, now she's waking maybe 3 times anight.

i was going to give her baby rice, but the health vistor said NO, she's not ready yo eat and she might choke :shock: she said give her bottled milk, i have and it's still not working.

so i'm going to rid it out until she 6 months, then she can start eating food :D

iv tried the baby rice (my hv said its fine!) but that dont work either :(

maybe our girls are teething? i dont kno :(
DS has just cut his first tooth (yesterday!) and 2nd one coming through fast. He's been a horror the past couple of nights (fed half a dozen times between 2-7am) and only fed 3 times today! I know he's bad with his teeth so it could be the same with Millie.
trixipaws said:
neeko_1 said:

nay seems to be doing the same thing. she waking up way to much at night and really going for it on the boob.

she used to sleep though the night too, now she's waking maybe 3 times anight.

i was going to give her baby rice, but the health vistor said NO, she's not ready yo eat and she might choke :shock: she said give her bottled milk, i have and it's still not working.

so i'm going to rid it out until she 6 months, then she can start eating food :D

iv tried the baby rice (my hv said its fine!) but that dont work either :(

maybe our girls are teething? i dont kno :(

i know is teething for sure, some dayz she not happy a tall, my poor baby.

but as long as I'm breast feeding her i don't mind, because i'm still in bed :lol:
I would recommend every 3hrs during the day take your LO up to where you feed them at night and try feeding them then. When Ellie was at that age she used to get really distracted when trying to feed. She was more interested in playing with toys and things going on around her. By taking her to her bedroom it took her away from distractions and she fed much better. Every three hours should make sure they get enough during the day.
Ds only fed twice today (had a bottle before bed aswell though), that was at 10.30am and 4.30pm. Last night he was up again at least 4 times, it's driving me mad as I am soooo tired!!

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