When do you start to feel movement


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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Just wondering when I will start to feel the baby inside me ? and what does it feel like so i know when it happens?

Im guessing if its a orange now n has arms n legs surely I should notice something

Also any one any clue where in my belly it is at this stage ifyou know what i mean? like is it right down low or up near my bellybutton?

Hope this isnt too blonde a tread but i honestly havnt a clue
First sensations I had were flutters. Then a rolling sensation. Took a while for me to believe it was baby tho as this is my first. :) xx
Hmmm I know when and where but I can't think how far along I was at all! I know I was at my mums house and it was about 11.30pm and I'm NEVER up that last these days and I was laying on my back in bed and I felt about 3 firm prods in my abdomen and that was it I knew it was him. I might've been 17-18 weeks but don't quote me!

I started feeling Pip around 14/15 weeks. Felt like popping candy and bubbles popping right down low by my bikini line.

On Monday when I turned 17 weeks I felt Pip rolling, can only describe it as a pancake flipping in the air! Lol! Some ladies don't feel baby until at least 18 weeks, so don't be concerned if u haven't felt baby move yet xx
Oh yeah see i was so caught up in the pancakes larley that i missed the whole poing of your post on monday hehehe

I felt something earlier but think it was just my ehm bowles lol
At 15 wks I'm sure I felt something? At 16 wks I felt bubbles and a popping sensation by 17wks I can feel little chip like a quick pulse on and off all yesterday and today.

Every time I have felt something the feeling is located under my belly button but slightly above pubic line! It mostly happens at night if I'm laying on my back or early in the morning.

Hope this helps but I am still waiting for that very obvious kick!
I felt first movements at 16 eeks and 3 days. At frst it's like popping bubbles in your lower abdomen, then at about 18 weeks it just felt like he was rolling around rather than kicking and for the last 10 days or so, i've felt proper kicks. This is my second baby though so there was no mistaking the feeling and knowing it was baby as I recognised it from my previous prenancy. So you might feel it for a week or two before you realise it is him/her :)

I think I started feeling flutters around 14 weeks, and then taps and rolls around 17 weeks. For me, it literally feels like Baby is tapping me from the inside haha. It was quite low down to begin with, but is slowly moving closer to my bellybutton as Baby grows :). Also, felt the movement from the outside this week, at 18+5!
I felt something earlier but think it was just my ehm bowles lol

that could very well be something. i started feeling things at 16 weeks. i never really got the bubbles sensation until the stage im at now so whenever a non mum or oh asked me what it felt like id say (sorry tmi!) its like that feeling in your stomach when you get diarrhoea but without needing to use the loo lol x
Hey huni im only just certain im feeling bubs now i def got a small prod yesterday!! Nothing anyone else could have felt but def not wind or bowels lmao (the amount of times ive thought it was bubs and it wasnt :blush: )

I thought id have felt or recognised it earlier with not being my first but hey there ya go, im carrying more weight this time lol :lol:

Also as to how far up think it really depends, at my 16wk check mw couldnt find heartbeat low down near my pelvis (and i got worried) she found it in the end up near my belly button, she was like "oh your womb has moved up n out of pelvis early"! xxxx

(hope that helps) xxx
everyone is different hun and it also depends on the position of the placenta - i went right through til 23 weeks and never had flutterings just suddenly got booted and thought is was the cat proddding me lol.you may feel like wind rumbles but mine just went straight to pinging and popping lol!
Thanks girls, the thing i felt yesterday hasnt happened since but im keeping a eye out lol, from memory at my last scan she had the thing on the left side so maybe thats where it is LOL
I thought I kept feeling things below my belly button just above my pubic line. But some days I can feel stuff and sometimes I can't so I don't know if it is baby or not. =D xxx
I think I felt something around 16 weeks but not very often at all. Just like a bubble popping. It's only in the last 3 weeks that I've started to feel baby every day and is getting more frequent as the days go on and more harder :)

At my 16 week mw appointment I remember my uterus was just below my belly button. If you press down you might be able to feel it, it's hard. Felt baby low down, almost above knickers iykwim at first.


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