When do they.....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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a) get separation anxiety


b) start teething?

Bertie is really unsettled today, something is bothering him and he's only happy when being cuddled. I've finally managed to get him to sleep in his bouncer but he's constantly frowning in his sleep. The place is a mess lol and I've got loads to do but every time I leave him he starts screaming :roll: This is a complete one off, he's not done it before. The 2 things I've written are the only 2 I can think it is, he's clean, dry, fed and winded. Maybe he's just having a mummy day I don't know
I can't see how old Bertie is on my fone- but we all have bad days. Maybe it's just that. Xxx
I think seperation anxiety is around 5-6 months, but K wanted to be held all the time until she was about 5 weeks. It was more just wanting to be held by anyone though. Do you leave him on a play mat or somewhere with a mobile? He may be at the stage where he wants to play more.

Teething can happen any time I believe! I have heard of babies being born with teeth!
my HV said separation anxiety starts from 4 months...

and yes teething from anytime but max has days like these!! its a pain cause you really cant get anything done but dont stress yourself about it, theres always tomorrow to do the household things !!

hope you're ok xxxx
I don't think you usually experience those things until later hun, though I might be wrong.

Something I have learnt is that they sometimes cry for no apparent reason :( he probs just wants mummy cuddles today.

I have that problem most days with Tilly that I can't put her down or she screams. I can only leave it so long cos it sends me potty
Harry has days like this too, think its just wanting attention and cuddles as others say :) xx
Charlie still has days like this although not very often, maybe if he's feeling under the weather or grumpy x
Separation anxiety is around 5 months. Teething can be from whenever though :( Stanley cut first tooth 17 weeks x
Alyssa had teething pain at about 4 weeks, restless sleep and wanting to chew on hands or your fingers, messing around at feeds and really whingey, got dentinox teething gel and it helps. shes doing it again now but has red cheeks too this time
Thanks ladies, I'll look forward to the separation anxiety later then lol. Might check out his gums when OH gets home

I've had to bite the bullet and swaddle him, my shoulder is killing me cos I can only cuddle him above my scar still and he's now on his mat pretending to watch Aladdin lol

Just wish someone would invent a dummy that stays in. My OH said superglue would be cruel :D
A) no idea

B) Henry started teething at 7 weeks. Hv confirmed it. I've been using bonjela teething gel which is from 2 months onwards but I figured a week wouldn't make a difference x
Just wish someone would invent a dummy that stays in. My OH said superglue would be cruel :D

thats funny cos my oh said me taping the dummy on to AJs face was cruel I couldn't understand why to be honest!!!
BB there is a fantastic book called The Wonder Weeks, it details babies development phases, they did over 30 years of study. It's fantastic and helped us understand alot of what was going on at different times with Oscar xxx
Kynon has been going through a bit of separation anxiety for a few weeks, he's a right mummys boy just now! Like the others said teething can start any age Kynon has no teeth yet and is 7 months tomorrow

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Charlie still has days like this although not very often, maybe if he's feeling under the weather or grumpy x

wss ^^ harry was like this for 2 days before he started getting snuffly and it turned out he only had a cold have u got a sling/carrier i fins it helps when harry is like this as i can still get some stuff done

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