Oh dear God.. Teething?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Isaac is not happy. The last couple if weeks he's been sleeping badly, he never sleeps well but he's worse than usual. I saw they can have sleep regression at 4months so put it down to that. But now for the last 2 days he has not wanted to sleep during the day & just screams when I try & get him to sleep. It's really unlike him to scream so much but he's getting in a right state & is getting so tired. Then last night he woke at 11, then at 2, I settled him by 2.30 but he woke again at 3 screaming & wouldnt settle until 5.30 & then he only slept for an hour so then we got up. He's clearly shattered so I've been trying to get him to sleep again but he just starts screaming again. He's having his 16 week jabs this afternoon too. At least I can give him some calpol after & hope that might settle him. Just wondering if this sounds like the start of teething?
Funny you wrote this thread now, I've just had a whole morning of trying to put a hysterically screaming Samira down for her first day nap, which isn't like her at all. After 2 hours of this I also thought that maybe she's teething, since she's also extremely spitty at the moment, and I gave her some Calpol, although I felt bad about it since I hate giving medicine when I'm not entirely sure it's necessary. It did the trick though - when I tried again 20 minutes later she nodded off no problem at all.
Oh sorry you're going through it too! Isaac settled & got some sleep earlier but then had his jabs. He's screamed a lot this evening, given him calpol but he's still not settled, he's just so miserable at the moment. Just feeding him & crossing my fingers & toes he'll go to sleep for a good few hours! Picked up some teething powder & bonjela so we're ready!

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