When do I try again?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
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Hi everyone really need some advice last month I had a mc at 5wk 4 days and this month I think I again had an early mc ( I hate the term chemical) as I was due on af sat got bfp Sunday but by the Monday I was testing bfn and finally came on af yday and its been very heavy and painful :-( I was speaking to someone at work today who herself has had a mc but has 2 children and she said I was stupid for trying again straight after and it's no wonder it happened again as I've messed my body up it really upset me she told me u need to wait a min of 3 months before trying again? As that's what her midwife told her can any1 give me any advice? Can't bear the thought of waiting 3 months tô try again :-(( xx
hi, sorry for your losses hun, I have had 2 mc, one in November, I fell preg straight away the next month unfortunately that one ended in my second mc in jan, again I tried straight away again, and have just got my BFP this week. It was unkind of her to offer you this advice as she is wrong. The doctors vary with their advice, but with a early loss as long as no complications its safe to try again and your more fertile after mc as your body is geared up for pregnancy. Just do what you feel is right and I wish you luck.
Thank you for your advice Hun I was so upset this morning as I thought most doctors just told you to wait a month so you can date the pregnancy better? I emotionally feel ready the thought if waiting 3 months is awful it's so hard when you really want something!! Xxx
I Know what you mean, and it is true they do tell you to wait so they can date it better. If you feel ready go for it, that was the only think keeping me going when I had my mc's.
I had two miscarriages in a row. Sept 2011 and start of Nov 2011.

I do wish I'd have waited, but that is purely personal.

I know several women on here who has successful pregnancies the very next cycle after a m/c.

I suffered a MMC at 11+4 and only found out at my 12w scan this week. I had d&c yesterday and plan on ttc straight away. I've spent hours searching the Internet for info and reading personal experiences and for every personal story of disappointment with a further loss there is a story of success.

So sorry to hear of your further loss and wishing you every success next time xxx
My doctor never mentioned anything just that it shouldn't make a difference but he really wasn't sympathetic at all that's why i haven't been to the doctors this time as they prob wont take me seriously this is just so awful sometimes u just think why me? What have I possibly done to deserve this?! It don't help that everyone around me seems to be pg and I'm really happy that they are having healthy pgs as I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I can't help but feel envious and really down that its not going right for me :-( xxx
I had a 7w mc in november and tried straight away, but didn't get a bfp until the cycle after...that pregnancy ended at 10w in February....i then tried again straight away again....only to have a chemical in March! I got the lecture from my gp about giving my body a break! not a nice feeling when all you want to do is try again :(

i tried again straight after my chemical, but didn't get a bfp that cycle - i am just about to ov again!
After it happened to me very early on my gp Said try straight away if I felt I wanted no problem. I got pg straight away afterwards with no a/f in between. Sadly this didn't work out but, I know of quite a few people who got pg straight after an early mc and all was fine. I think you are advised to wait as its easier to date the pg if you've had a/f in between and for your own emotional benefit. When mc and losses happen much later I think it's wise to wait to let your body recover but not really all that necessary when it happens so early on. Sorry this happened, hope you have great success in the future x
Sorry to hear about your losses and your colleagues unhelpful advice. My MW told me I could try again but i was best having a period in between before trying so a months break. It's so hard and frustrating as all you want to do is be pg again straightaway. I'm glad I waited though as could get back on top of cycles, perhaps give yourself a break for one cycle? Hope your next pg is a sticky one xx
I had a mc in May last year and didn't feel ready to try again so we had a holiday and started again in Sep/Oct and got my bfp in Dec, as long as you feel ready then try again Hun xx
Thanks ladies I really want to try again but I'm also so scared it will happen again :-( xxx
Sorry to hear about your colleagues crap advice. I would go back to the doctor if you are still bleeding heavily, I went back for a second opinion and it has helped me loads and gave me closure instead of wondering about having a miscarriage. They will check you over, your cervix, blood pressure etc. X
I've not been too bad Sophie the bleeding and pain are ok today seems to have settled down since thu and yday I just don't want the doc to fob me off like last time and make me feel I'm being dramatic about the whole thing :-( he just really was not sympathetic at all when I went last time how are you feeling now? Xxx
I've nearly stopped bleeding now and gonna try asap, already booked in with donor. Emotionally still having abit of a wobble xx
I had a MMC in September 2012 and had medical management at the end of September as nothing was happening naturally. I was advised to wait until after af before trying again and heeded the advice although it was 6 weeks to the day before that happened. I got my bfp in eatly March this year. I'd personally wait for af but it seems that lots of people don't. At least I knew when my last period was that way and that any leftovers (sorry tmi) were expelled with my period iykwim xxx
Aww bless you hunny I no what you mean I feel really emotional about it but it must b even harder for you hunny with it not being as easy with using a donor must be very stressful at times I'm really keeping my fx for you and your oh I'm just going to still try the natural approach this month I'm just going to try and relax and bd every other day and see what happens I no waiting for a bfp or my af will be stressful again tho!! How many times do you use your donor a month if u don't mind me asking? Do u just use opk and try when it's says you are ov? Xxx
I roughly know when I ov each month anyway, so I book around that and it's only one donation a month. I'm hoping I ovulate as normal this month xx
i had to go to hospital with my mc and had to have pills to get rid of sac and other bits they told me 3 months but waited 6 months x
Mines nor quite the sake i had a loss at nearly 21 weeks and was told to waot 3 months but i didnt i tried again stright away and got preg stright away im now 15+5 and so far not had any problems l, i would just say wenever u r ready to start again xxx

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