When do i have he scan to know the sex???


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Im eating weird to like some of you have said but ive gone off alot of foods, i had cottage pie lastnight but could only eat the potato and veg not the mince, also i had baked beans with pork sauasges and couldnt eat the sauasage just the beans,it keeps happening, i seem to like things plain? anyone else like this? and are they any signs of what sex you might be having or do you just have to wait for your scan and my appointment with the midwife has been delayed so when do you have the scan to know the sex? im 8weeks xx :D

I have gone off all spicy food and like real plain food and think i am having a boy but no idea if i am right

Your first scan is usually week 12 and your second around week 20. It is the second scan where you have a chance to find out the sex dependant upon how your baby is lying.
you can tell the sex of a baby after 18 weeks, so people usually find out the sex at their 20week anomaly scan. thats if your baby isn't shy of course, the only way you can tell 100% the sex of your baby before birth is by having an amniocentisis, but you only get offered that if you are at high risk of having a baby with downs, and obviously you should never get it just to tell the babys sex. :D
great thankyou for replying, so il look forward to my 12 week scan, i know we all worry about loosing the baby but is there a stage where your safe from miscarriage and the baby has formed to a safe stage if you get me?? im taking folic acid which the doctor said helps the cells form xx
ive gone off loads of food especally spicy food and chocolate and other sweet things,
some place tell you the sex of your baby at the 20 week scan.
i got told what im having and im having a lil boy!!!
aw thats great Sarah, i want a boy or a girl but i just hope the babys healthy and im sure we all feel like that!! xx :D
Hi hun most miscarriages happen within the first 12 weeks, and many before thay find out they are even pregnant. Glad you are taking your folic acid

Good luck with your scan hun hope you get some great pictures when you have it :hug: :hug:
Thanks Tracey, so il look forward to when i get to 12 weeks but obvioulsly still take care xx :moon:

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