When do I expect AF?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2012
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Wasn't sure where to post this tbh. I had a miscarriage 2 weeks ago on 20 April at 11 weeks. I did an IC PG test today, which showed not even a hint of a line.

When do I expect AF approximately? Do I take it as CD1 on the day of mc?
Hi, I am sorry about your mc hon, its the worst thing ever. I would say that you may get your af in another couple of weeks if there is no line on a PG test now.

It may take longer as you were quite far along but I hope it doesn't take too long for you to get it so you can start again x
Sorry for your loss. I experienced a ruptured ectopic in the middle of February, bled for 5 days starting one day post surgery then AF arrived exactly 4 weeks after that. Everyone is different though.
Hey Violet - I also m/c at 11 weeks 11th April. I'm waiting for af but hoping not to see it to be honest. Will be four weeks since m/c on Friday so I'm expecting it around then. I had a negative pregnancy test last Tuesday so I guess maybe my cycle could start from then? I have no idea what to expect really. Hope you're keeping well xx
I think they say it can come any time between 4-8 weeks (yep assuming the MC was cd1), mine was 6 weeks but as nomi said everyone is different. So sorry for your loss xx
Im sorry for your loss! Yourcycle can be a bit messed up after a mc or be right back to normal which isnt helpful to hear I know. I was alsotold likely to be 4 to 6 weeks as well though Im sure!
Hi, very sorry to hear your bad news. I got my period 6 weeks after mc. xx
Hi there I had a mmc and although I was told at my scan on the 1st april that the preg had ended I did not miscarry til the 19th april and was told to expect my af between 4-6 weeks after it
Hi Violet, how are you doing? I have been laying low for the last 4 weeks or so!!! As you know I was told I had a BO at 7+5 and waited a while to MC naturally but at 11 weeks I still hadn't MC and so went in for a ERPC (surgical management) at 12 weeks. This was 2 weeks ago. I took a IC preg test this morn as advised and there is still a definate line.

I was really hoping it would be negative (wow, never thought I would write those words) and my cycle would return to normal asap!! Its a constant waiting game!!! Just hoping now that everything was removed and the procedure dosn't need repeating!!!

Hope your ok!! xx
Ah babybumpwanted :( it's horrid having to do a pg test and hoping its negative :( I'm sorry you had to go through surgical management. Fx they got everything and that's the end of it. Did they say what you have to do if you had a line on your test? Do u just have to wait another week and test again? I hope you are doing ok.

I've been thinking about you and yummymummy80 as you 2 were so close in dates on conception and losses to me.

Yummymummy how are you hon?
Thanks for your replies girls. I guess I'll just have to wait and see when it arrives. I just hope it's not while I'm away.
hi violet,

how are you? I see your the same as me and just waiting on af so you can ttc again I was told 4-6 weeks so im hoping its 4 weeks so I can get excited again.

I had to do my preg test yesterday after having medical management 2 weeks ago and was told if it was pos id need surgery but if it was neg then all is fine and yesterday the result was neg so all I need to do now is wait on af :)
Hi Yummymummy sorry I've not replied earlier, I've been away on holiday with my family.

Sunday will be cd29 for me and so far no sign of AF. Has the witch arrived for you? Glad your 2 week pg test was neg.
Hi I mc on the 19th April (5 weeks tomorrow) and still no AF for me too xxx
Hi Shelly I'm sorry for your loss hon. I'm still waiting for AF too. I did another IC pg test yesterday which was completely negative. Yesterday I didn't even feel AF was close, but today I've had some odd pains in my belly, which I guess could be the start of AF. And this evening my boobs have felt odd, kinda like they r full n tender at times too. More like a pg sign than AF.

Are you TTC again yet or r u going to wait?
I've replied to you on may testing thread hun xxxx
I was coming on to ask similar. I miscarried 3 weeks ago and have only just got a negative test and I just want AF to hurry up so we can try again, I hate having no idea what's going on!
AF arrived yesterday. Means I'm out of limbo, but was really hoping for a pos this month.
I was coming on to ask similar. I miscarried 3 weeks ago and have only just got a negative test and I just want AF to hurry up so we can try again, I hate having no idea what's going on!

The not knowing and the wait really aren't nice. Sorry to hear about yr mc.
i was sorry to read about yours, too, it's horrible! Sorry it wasn't a positive for you this month but I'm glad you know what's what now. I will keep my fingers crossed that I'm reading about your BFP soon! xx

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