When did your sickness stop?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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I have been very sick since around 5 weeks. EVERY morning without fail I am sick when I get up, it calms down a bit during the day but the feeling is still there and then around 5/6pm it comes back with a vengeance :( at night I feel worse than I do in the morning and can be sick up to 2-3 times a night. Just wondered when your morning/evening sickness stopped as I don't know how much longer I can cope. I'm barely keeping any food I eat down and I'm not sure that it can be good for me. I told my GP but he said nothing he can do it'll pass when it feels like it :( xxxxxx
i didnt have sickness just nausea and heaving, stopped a couple weeks ago but nausea is slowly coming back,could be coz im poorly tho. still heave wen brushing teeth x
I was really bad from 5 weeks and diagnosed with hyperemesis at 7 weeks and put on anti sickness tablets so that I could keep food and water down. I was signed off work for 2 months as i couldnt leave the house. I was able to stop taking the tablets around 14 weeks, but still had quite rough days. Now at over 18 weeks I still get hit with nausea most days and have a bad sickness day or two every week.

It gets easier so hang in there :hugs: xx
I had sickness with my daughter until I was 20 weeks, this time its carried on and still going strong although its more nausea with retching at the stage :wall2:

I've been told around 14 weeks is the usual time for it to go but I see a lot of woman on here who still have it.

If you're struggling I'd suggest going to see your MW xXx
Im sorry i cant be of much help, i haven't suffered from nausea or sickness during my pregnancy, but as the other ladies have said it will get better, just hang in there :D
16 weeks and still having bad days, although I do get a few hours on some days where I feel better...so hopefully, it's starting to pass now
With both my boys it stopped around 16 weeks. This one did around the same time , but I was sick out of the blue a couple of days ago and haven't felt sick since then.
My sickness went around week 15/16. Was wonderful celebrating a week without puking!
Sometimes I still get a bit groggy, and cleaning my teeth still isn't pleasant - but sooo much better!
Mine finished around week 14. It will go off eventually don't worry. I'm so thankful my first trimester is over and done with, I felt so sorry for myself so I have complete sympathy for you!
I can totally sympathise, been ill every day since boxing day and desperate for it to go now. Here's hoping we both feel better soon.x
Thanx ladies I just really want it to pass now, I had sickness with both my girls but it never lasted as long as this :( xxxx
Sorry you are feeling so rough with it, hope it passes soon xx

I honestly thought I was getting better this week but I've spent most of this evening with my head down the loo being sick, worst episode yet, came out my nose, scustin! My ear is throbbing too, think it tried to get out that way too :( blluueerrgh

Hope everyone who's suffering symptoms ease soon xx
Hi girls. Mine calmed down at around 15 weeks but at 17 weeks I still have bad days. It has gone from all day every day to just some days first thing in the morning and/or at night.

So glad it has calmed down as was getting so fed up of it! Especially of it coming out of my nose! So gross!
Mine started at 6 Weeks and stopped at 12 Weeks thank god!

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