When did your LO sleep in their own room?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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I know I should know the answer to this question what with having two children but my oldest refused to sleep anywhere other than our bed til he was 3 so he never went into a cot - ever! :oops:

Anyway, Katie is now 4 months old and sleeps in the moses basket next to our bed. She's getting too big for it now though. Our room isn't big enough for us to have her cot in there so I'm just wondering when did everyone move their LO's into their own room? Also, would it be ok to put her up there at about 8pm and leave her? ATM I just let her sleep on the settee until I go to bed and take her up with me. I have a baby monitor but I guess I'm a bit paranoid about SIDS and all that. Sean just used to go to bed with me when I went up so I never had to think of all this with him!
13/14 Weeks, got to big for his crib, so went in his cot in his room

Was put in there at 7pm every night. We do have a monitor with a sensor mat, that made me happyer leaving him up there.
Emms went in at 3 months and slept really well there. Baby monitors are really good - there's no need to worry.
Lydia was 22 months
Alex still co-sleeps
Grace co slept with us until she was about 6 months then into her cot in her own room, and occasionally she come's bk in with us if she is poorly, we do use a sensor mat this certainly helped put my mind at ease.
4 weeks. She hates her crib and our room was getting to stuffy with 3 of us in there and it's to small get the cot in there. DH sleeps in her room with her at the moment but she doesn't NEED us, she seems quite independant :( .In a couple of weeks we will leave her in there on her own.
about 10 weeks, and he's slept through the night since :D

baby monitors are great, aiden lets us know if he wants us anyway LOL :lol:
hannah was 3 months, as it took that long to finish her room, lol. Emily was about the same, maybe a little earlier.
as soon as we moved and she had her own room :rotfl:

About 3 months ago. :oops:

But saying that, she still wakes between 3 - 6. then she tends to hop in bed with us. i love early morning cuddles from my baby :D
as soon as we moved and she had her own room :rotfl:

About 3 months ago. :oops:

But saying that, she still wakes between 3 - 6. then she tends to hop in bed with us. i love early morning cuddles from my baby :D
We put Jess in her own room last week purely as she had outgrown her crib but it was the best thing we did, she sleeps so much better and we don't wake up at every little sound. It's great to have our room to ourselves again too!
mark went into his own room at 12 weeks, grace at 10. they both slept much better as we found we were just disturbing each other. plus both mine were very grunty sleepers so i was getting no sleep.
Logan and monitor slept in their own room from about 3 weeks. i think it helped him do 7 hours sleep (which he started doing at 6 weeks).

About 6 weeks...but that was only cos she was soooooooo noisy and none of us were getting any sleep...her room is really close tho and she was still in her moses basket...she's just moved into her cot and is absolutely fine. :D
7 weeks.

I suddenly felt ready. She had no trouble making the transition. I don't have a baby monitor and always hear her when she wakes

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